Ptral Species in The Discontinuum | World Anvil


Ptral are a species of pseudo fish introduced to Earth as part of the Gene Sea on the World of the Long Sleep. They are technically omnivores since they are capable of filter feeding but primarily they are vicious predators at the apex of the food chain.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Ptral can be found almost anywhere in the oceans of the World of the Long Sleep provided the water temperature is warm enough. They never venture into the polar regions. They are particuarly common in the Sunset Ocean, the Holme Sea and the areas around their spawning grounds in the Gulf of Ptral on the north west coast of Trass.
35 years
Average Height
0.8 metres
Average Weight
95 kg
Average Length
4 metres

Cover image: Ptral by DMFW with Midjourney


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