Hadiza Buletta

Hadiza Buletta was a popular model and singer in the second half of the 21st century in the middle period of The Trade Wars.   Hadiza is best known for a controversial publicity stunt which she conducted on stage during a concert at Monrith in 2089 AF.   At the time, her name was almost synonymous with the fashion creations of Josephine Coralie Lavigne, since her career had started modelling their clothes. Rivalries between the Allport League and the Merchant Guilds were less overtly military in nature than the combat that had characterised the age of the Succession Empires but there was occasional bloodshed. Amongst the more patriotic younger citizens of northern Trass, the Allport League happened to be unpopular because of one of these flareups in the docks of Entessaminia where the heavy handed security guards on a Lavigne fashion line ship had provoked a minor riot in which a number of people had been killed.   Publically disowning her former employer, to huge cheers from the partisan crowd, Hadiza stripped off her Lavigne clothes and dressed herself in the distinctive lines of one of Zahara Chastain's trendy combination outfits. From that day forward, she became an icon for the rival fashion house and took many of her fans with her.   Hadiza died at Aberstone at the age of 74, whilst she was on a pilgrimage to the lands of Klane Kalonia.
Date of Birth
7th of Newmothers, 2065
Date of Death
15th of Redstar, 2139
2065 AF 2139 AF 74 years old
Place of Death

Cover image: Hadiza Buletta by DMFW with Art Breeder
Character Portrait image: Hadiza Buletta by DMFW with Art Breeder


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