The denary realms Closing of the Last Portal

Closing of the Last Portal

Military action


After the concentrated efforts of the Seekers, the mages and the Grand Five managed to seal the portals that were left open in Aell, only one remained. The portal in Ioris, the old capital of Otris. The problem was that it was guarded by the entirety of the invader's army.

  1. The invaders suffered their biggest defeat in the Battle of Otris
  2. Nathan gathered the remaining armies of Aell, campaigning against the heart of the invader's captured lands
  3. Jokaster and the mages designed the spell that would allow them to seal the last remaining portal
  4. Urgay, leading a group of elite soldiers ventured behind enemy lines to disrupt and hold the portal's position
  5. King Tirlas Tehner betrayed Aell, and forced Nathan to divide his armies in order to deal with him
  6. It took two days for King Tirlas to surrender, after which the mages were able to seal the portal
  7. Urgay and his soldiers were nowhere to be found. His Captain's Medallion was found on his charred corpse

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