Olympia Character in The Dark | World Anvil
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Olympia Snopes

Olympia is one of the heroes of Camp Nordic Frog. She is a clever, deceptive, professional social engineer who can impersonate anyone. On Earth, she was a military veteran before going to work for tech corporations testing their security system. However, she uncovered information that made her very uncomfortable with the status quo and chose to rebel against the system. She is a soldier, a spy, and a leader.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Olympia is slender and fit and fast. She practices self-defense yoga and firearms regularly, so her body is in peak physical condition.

Identifying Characteristics

Olympia is capable of impersonating anyone using her cybernetics disguise kits. As a result, she can be anywhere, as anyone, and is very difficult to identify.

Special abilities

Olympia is an excellent gunfighter, and she is skilled in cryptography, perception, deception, persuasion, intimidation, and linguistics. She is skilled in using alien technology. She can speak all languages.

Apparel & Accessories

Olympia has a cybernetic leg with a compartment that can hold several things. Inside her leg, she carries a variety of different firearms for a variety of circumstances.

Mental characteristics


Olympia is a military veteran with years of military experience. After being discharged from the military, she got employment as an independent social engineer. She worked as an independent contractor testing the security of various megacorporations for years. After uncovering the secrets that turned her away from the corporations, she became an investigator with Scrud.

Personality Characteristics


To have an enjoyable life, and to make rebellions profitable again.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Olympia is great at uncovering information, convincing people to do things, deceiving people, and prioritizing things. She is not great at remembering things.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: swimsuits, sherry zero, The "Scrud"   Dislikes: mysteries


Current Location
Year of Birth
2069 33 Years old
Pale blue
Long and blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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