Transhumanity Species in The Dark | World Anvil
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Homo sapien mortis vir is the only extant human species. The name is Latin for "of a wise man", and was introduced in 2101 by philosopher K.C. Anyanwu. Extinct species of the genus Homo include Homo erectus, extant from roughly 1.9 to 0.4 million years ago, and a number of other species (by some authors considered subspecies of either H. sapiens or H. erectus). Also an extinct member of the family is Homo sapiens, which went extinct at the end of the Christian Era at the hands of a machine intelligence that it created, and was extant on Earth and Earth's home Solar System for 500,000 years.   Transhumans are distinct from their homo sapiens ancestors through the use of advanced technology and sophisticated gene-modification. Resleeving allows transhumans to separate their mind from their body, and allows a transhuman's mind to travel independently. Transhumans inhabit a variety of shapes when embodied, both biological and synthetic. They are skilled at innovation and are adapted for survival in a variety of planetary environments.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Transhumans reproduce in one of three ways.   The oldest and least-popular way is a mammalian pregnancy and childbirth. Some transhumans are capable of carrying a fetus to term using an internal womb. These transhumans experience a live birth.   Other than a live birth, reproduction is split into two parts. Transhuman egos are capable of copying and editing themselves, which allows for the purposeful creation of new egos that are related to the parent egos. These new forked egos can then inhabit sleeves separately from their parent ego. Alternately, exowombs (mechanical devices meant to be the perfect nursery for human fetuses) are capable of growing a healthy body at any stage of human development between infancy and adulthood. These bodies can then be used as sleeves for unincarnated transhuman egos.

Ecology and Habitats

Transhumans are capable of sustaining themselves in nearly any environment, as long as there are resources that can be exploited to generate energy. Habitats capable of sustaining biological life are preferred, so transhumans typically build well-shielded pressurized structures where they intend to live, and generate food from advanced agriculture inside. Areas incapable of supporting biological life can still sustain synthetic life, however. A transhuman with access to the natural resources to perform maintenance and energy generation can live nearly anywhere.
Scientific Name
Homo sapien mortis vir

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