Grimm Character in The Dark | World Anvil
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Graesen Gage (a.k.a. Grimm)

Grimm is one of the heroes of Camp Nordic Frog. He is a scrappy, cynical, storytelling P.I. from the big city who loves a good mystery. His mother is Ikumi Higa, the formidable megacorporation CEO, and he was raised in the lap of luxury. As an adult, however, he became an inner-city P.I. and cut off contact with his family.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Grimm is hale and hearty. He's got moderate non-intrusive cyberware, the body of a boxer and the broken nose to match.

Identifying Characteristics

Grimm isn't easy to identify - he wears muted colors, wears a splicer sleeve with average build and height, and doesn't do anything to try and stand out.

Special abilities

Grimm is excellent at research, deduction, studying, searching for things and spotting minute details. He is a good fighter and a better gunman.

Apparel & Accessories

Grimm wears a long, dark jacket over a hardy armored breastplate with practical pants and boots. He carries a shotgun underneath the jacket. He is also frequently seen with technological tools that help him gather information. He wears a jaunty hat sometimes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grimm is the child of megacorporation CEO Ikumi Higa and legendary con man Alistair Gage. He spent his childhood in the best boarding schools that money could buy, being raised by strict schoolmasters, therapists, tutors, trainers, and mentors. Straight out of school he attended police academy, after which he became a star policeman. Shortly after he began working, he was involved in a major bust and was promoted to detective. His career as a detective was storied and significant, but it came to an end when his investigations eventually targeted a megacorporation executive.   After he was fired, he became a private eye, solving mysteries for people who could pay (and sometimes for the ones who couldn't, when he could afford it).


Grimm enjoyed many years of formal employment as a police and then private detective. His career as a police detective ground to a halt when he refused to let his morals be compromised to protect the status quo, and he struck out on his own. Even after many attempts by his sister to get him into corporate employment, he continued to freelance until The Fall of Earth.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Grimm was the one to track the Babel virus to Triton following the Fall using his mother's resources. He also convinced her to give him a ship and to help him crew it.   As a secondary accomplishment, Grimm is responsible for the survival of most of his teammates, the foundation of Camp Nordic Frog, and the project to explore The Gate Network through his acquisition of the resources that it took to do so.

Personality Characteristics


To solve the biggest mysteries.


Family Ties

Grimm's mother is Ikumi Higa, a megacorporation CEO who rules the Planetary Consortium   Grimm's sister is Hanako Gage, one of the Consortium's foremost corporate spies.

Wealth & Financial state

Grimm's family is immeasurably wealthy. They have access to literally the largest concentration of wealth ever seen before in human history. However, Grimm himself doesn't have full access to this wealth - only those resources that his mother views as being a good investment for herself.
Neutral Knowledge
Current Location
Year of Birth
2060 42 Years old
Brown military cut
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
200 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
“Never feel bad about being the outsider. People show those they don’t think matter what they are really like. That kind of honesty is a gift their friends may never have until it comes time to count on them.”   “Nobody needs a hero. Some might be worthy of a friendship though.”   “Never accept your fate, always go down fighting.”   “There’s always going to be somebody so pretty that they’re bound to be trouble.”   “Don’t be afraid of the shadows, it’s easier to see what lies in them if you’re part of them.”   “Get your story straight and you’ll always know what to do next.”   “A mystery is just a story that you’re starting in the middle of.”   “There’s nothing more dangerous, or more sacred than a city. Listen to her and she’ll tell you everything you need to know.”   “Taking a beating is just the world’s way of telling you that you’re really getting to the bottom of something. Might just be a bottle though.”   “No sunsets, no kisses, and definitely no wedding at the end. Happy endings are called retirement, and retirement might as well be death.”   “Get to the point and make it snappy. They can read the book later.”

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