Vyre Species in The Cycles | World Anvil
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This article is in work of becoming the proper article of Vyre as a species

Basic Information


The Vyre has a four limed base body formation, with two wings extending from its back. these wings conect on the lower back, though within the modern Vyre clans the conection point may varry.
the species has a backwards jointed lower shin, with a cainaine like foot set with claws, similar claws also being found on their hands.
The Vyres ears are elongated, often pointed and sticking up over the head between half, to a full head hight over the temple.
The Vyre's nose is most offten pushed upwards in a almost pug like look.

Biological Traits

There are three major branches of Vyre to discuss in this regard
True Vyre Born from full-blooded Vyre, these are made in a "natural" way
Asimilated Vyre These are Vyre who were in the past Neophytes, they go through a ritual to become Vyre, something that puts them on a lower starting point on the social hierarchy.
Ferral Vyre a Vyre who was made from either a failed ascension or experimentation on a torpid Vyre, these creatures have lower sentience and are mainly driven by the animalistic instinct.
The first two of these classifications share the same physical appearance, even if the latter sometimes retain elements of their past form. this article will discuss mainly the true Vyres that are born.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Vyre reproduction is akin to that of mamals, with many traits that are akin to that of bats, including the pressance of a mating plug. the gestation then lasts for a time between fifteen to thirty months, the mother often choosing if to prolong the duration by, past altering their diet pressent or forcing their blood to prolong the duration.
the prolonging of duration is done in order to provide the optimal conditions for birth.

Growth Rate & Stages

A newborn Vyre grows fur over the course of their first three months alive, then usualy take between seven months and a year to open their eyes but is still most offten concidered a pup for 10 years, but grow to physical and sexual maturity within the space of 20 years. the diffrent clans have their own definition of when a Vyre seices to be a pup, most offten having their own rite of passage into adult hood that might also varry between families within the clan.

Ecology and Habitats

The Vyre is a nocturnal predator, it thrives darkness. in the past, Vyre where often cavern dwelling during the day, though they could also be found nesting in burrows deep in the woods. their nests have now grown to the large cities.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Vyre sustain themselves mainly on blood. while they can and offten do also consume solid foods, this is not required for their survival.

Biological Cycle

The Vyre requires roughly 15 hours of sleep every 168 hours for optimal functionality, though they can go for periods up to moths in legnth in times of need.


the vyre has a number of states it may be in:


this is a light form of rest in which the Vyre may stir itself awake if it senses outside stimuli. this is a state it can enter to avoid the worst effects of sunlight, yet still be alert if it so needs. it does not regain much stregnth from such rest, and can not heal itself at the same speed.


A dormant Vyre lets itself go into a deep form of sleep, in this state it requires much to rouse them to be awake, but their body heals much more effectivly. this state is also a way to counteract the need for sustiance, and is a state sometimes used by Vyres with long term plots to pass time.


A Vyre who is forced into a Dormant state is said to be in torpor. this can be done through a stake penetrating their heart, a significant loss of blood, or sever damage. in such a state, they offten require outside help to reawake, and as such it is a most vonorable position.


A dead Vyre becomes a corpse, though very old ones may experiance some signs of rapid decay by shrivering up and lossing fluids.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

a newborn Vyre typically has a intellect capable to making basic cause and effect calculations, but the idea of permanence can take up to the eyes opening to fully set in.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Basic Sensory Ablities

Sight: the eyes of the Vyre are adapted to stalk the night, granting them excelent nightsight
Hearing: the large ears of the Vyre alow them to pick up on very faint sounds, and also grant them access to frequensies that are used by bats, though this is seldom used by the modern Vyres, its theorized by some to be linked to their past.
Touch: The Vyre's sense of touch is not particularly refined in their natural form. while it is not terrible, it may in some cases be subpar to that of the humans of the material plane
Taste: Vyre taste is defined by their diet. while they dont have a specific taste within the normal specturm, they can get bits of emotion through their drinking of blood, something often hightened with the rousing of their own blood to highten that sense.
Smell: The Vyre sense of smell is not one that is particularly refined, though it does appear to pick up on certain scents of herbs and compounds such as sulfor more then other creatures

Additional Abilieties

The Vyre hold a collection of additioanl senses that may aid them
The Blood, The blood of the Vyre is filled with power, it grants them access to abilities that are almost arcane in nature. abileties such as being able to read the surface thoughts of other living creatures, the ability to see the etheral, to sense the pressance of life, and to taste fear in the air like a serpant of nightmares.

Civilization and Culture

Courtship Ideals

The courtship of Vyre Society is a delicate dance of tradition. the courting Vyre is considered the one with the lower rank during courtship, as they are seeking the other. even in cases where a Vyre for some reason seek someone they know are a decently significant amount weaker than themselves, this is the case.
The courtship has a few distinct phases, each phase, in turn, has variations between Clans and families within the clans, but the general, the steps are that of Gifts, Watch and sharing of the grave.


The giving of gifts is the first stage of courtship for the Vyre, what was once a show of how well one could hunt has evolved with the creatures to a show of strength in a new world. even if clan steel may still have many seek to bring strong prey to their subject for courtship, the main aspect that Vyre seek is to show their strength and might.

The Watch

Despite their apex nature, Vyre’s still requires rest to regain their strength, particularly after heavy combat. When a Vyre that is being courted is in need of such rest, their courter may ask permission to stand watch over them, this is something that is not accepted lightly, as in their sleeping state the Vyre is at their most vulnerable. If the courter goes to this stage too early, they may lose all hope to court their subject of interest, and perhaps members of their family, for their audacity. but if they are accepted, they must stand guard, traditionally for Fifteen days and Fifteen nights, never leaving their post. if they can do this, they have now earned the trust of the one they court and can be offered the same protection, or the next stage of courtship, the sharing of the grave.

The Sharing of Grave

The final stage to "tying the knot" so to speak, is the sharing of resting place, something that can be said to be its whole entire ritual on its own. the short version, however, is that the partners to share their resting place, as mentioned earlier, this may be at the end of a watch period, in which case it is an affectionate gesture to show gratitude, where the former watch is welcomed into the resting place of the one they are courting, as the one offering their bed guards them in their wings for the time they need to recover, though no more then the time they themselves had been watched over, any more then that is a sign of weakness, which can cost the courting vampire all their efforts if they don't make sure to arise in time. alternatively, the courted Vyre may choose to stand watch similarly at the next time the courter requires rest.
either way, after both parts have rested, a time is determined for both to share a grave, but during this rest, no rest is expected to take place. for the duration of a full night (a Vampira night of 20 hours) during which both Vyre struggle to see who can overpower the other. most commonly, this struggle has the outcome of the courter overpowering the one they sought, as they have planned for being able to reach such a outcome, putting their subject of affection into torpor and becoming the one of the relationships seen to have the higher rank. the outcome could alternatively also be the courted Vyre being the stronger part, in which case they can choose to either take the dominant role of the relationship or throw aside the Vyre who courted them. (Its to be noted, that either part can choose to see the other as not worthy, and as polygamy is exceedingly rare in Vyre society, the courting Vyre not taking the other as their partner in hopes to find a perfect match is not unheard of.)
There is also the chance of a perfect match, in cases where the struggle has no part comming out as the most dominant for the duration of the sharing of the grave they form what is known as a Scarlet Duet, a perfect pair which has produced the most terrifying couples of Vampyr history.
”We shall be together, for time eternal, till all blood has run dry, till the last blade has struk, till the last night ends, and till the last breath whispers our love.”
-The vowe of Scarlet


The history of the Vyre is one of evolution. closely linked to the history of their home plane Vaipira, the Vyre grew as Apex predators in a world with few scholars of magic. legends tell they became subjects of druidic cults, worshiped as patrons of the wild. warlocks were said to make pacts with them, when in fact many of the so-called "warlocks" that burned at the stake where merely scholars of the arcane, what the material plane would call wizards or mages.
in time, the Vyre grew more and more refined, their form adapted, and some say they were helped by the cults that formed around dens in the woods and deep caverns. some say these became the first Neophytes. However it came to the point if it was by magic or simple evolution, the Vyre came to hunt their world to the point of damnation. cities fell as they attracted the notice of the apex predators, and while still, small settlements remained in the fringes of the world, that was no good hunt, it would most likely expend more energy to get to then it would be worth. and in time, the Vyre came to desperation, giving birth to the first branching clans of the species.

The Clans

clan Crimson came from the mastery of the power within the Vyre blood. they mastered how to forge Rituals, rituals that bent the world to their whim, eventually leading to the eternal night at the core of Vaipira. and the longer nights through all of the realm.
Clan Gold came out of the need for sustenance, they became herders of the realm, making nests in the old ruins and rebuilding them with cults which they grew, and made to their herds.
Clan Steel however, still remained as the old Vyre, still remained in touch with that more bestial side, though they evolved as all did, they built their society on what was in their nature. on the hunt and the chance, on the battle, and on the honor.
With the presence of the clans, joined eventually by Clan Null, sprung from Crimson by the exploration of the void, the Vyre grew into a society, one which is best discussed on its own, as it marked the birth of a new era of their world, the Era, of the Vampyr
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Cruor Rapax Rex
Evolved on the plane of Vaipira
Modern Vyre: Unknown
Ancient Vyre: between 1000-1500 years
Average Height
9 foot tall, but can grow up to 13 feet and more.
Average Weight
140-190 kg
Average Physique
Well defined musculature of an apex preditor.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Vyre typically have fur along their back, their hide is generally on the brown spectrum, between pale and dark, with variations within the Clans

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