Vyrash Language in The Cycles | World Anvil
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The Language originating from Vaipara, Realm of Blood drinkers, the language of Vyre.


There are three major dialects of Vyrash, spawned from diffrent needs.


The oldest of the dialects, this is mostly spoken by Clan Steel elders and has a emphasis on harsh, snapping sounds and hissing means of emphasising. (also has some prominent users within clan null)


The Dialect that was born from the need of the arcane. this dialect is mostly spoken and transcribed by Clan Crimson and Null it has many aspects in common with Draconic, with hard sounds, and most importantly, a useage of Draconic alphabet.


"Those whispers... it was like hearing honey that melted my very will away... I still hear his whispers now... telling me to burry that letter opener in your throat... and to drink..."
-A Rescued Thrall of Count Ilgath of Clan Gold

the dialect of Ingyrash is mostly spoken by Clan Gold , and spawned as a means of manipulation. the hissing of the Vyrash langauge has become whispering seduction and the harsh snarls become heavy breaths of emphasis.
Spoken by

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