The Dark Scarlet Empire - Twilight Aliance Plot in The Cycles | World Anvil
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The Dark Scarlet Empire - Twilight Aliance

the night creeps closer earlier then it should as you approach the continent, the howling winds carrying wicked laughs of sadistic blood drinkers as you can feel the ship rock bellow you, the waves picking up in intensity, a strom brewing as the rain starts to fall, the cold drops falling on you at first feeling like a ill omen, but soon feeling as a merciful blessing as the smell of the cities corpse pires hits your nostrills... welcome, to Darkan, the last city.
When Vampires for the first time came to the material plane, lead by [HIGH VAMPIRE], the taking of a continent was swift, it was a bloody rolling of the populatiuon, as the nations scrambled to band togehter, forging a few outposts of resistance that held on in the early days of the battle... it was not till heroes arose, that the Scarlet Despots reign was brought to an end.

Mood setting Music, Cause why not:

Fighting: Spyro Eternal Night - Gaul 2 Entering Clan Null sanctum: Spyro Eternal Night - Mountain Fortress / Mount Malafor Neophyte "Strealth" through Monistary: Temple Raid (SEN) Fighting a Void Stalker: SEN - Swamp Night (Could also be used as a Nighgaunt theme) The Pressance of a Clan Null Vyre: "Void" by lucas King


Lost hope Vengance upon a enemy Revange for the slaughtered.



The ultimate goal of the campaign is to end this evil.

Adventuring Quests

Some quests within the campaign can be found here, as well as spawns of imagination sprung to mind and quickly dotted down by yours truly.

Destroy the symbol

Levels 5-8 smuggle seven kegs of black powder into a mansion, and blow up the symbol of the vampires might.

Negotiation with the Sanguin city

level 12-15 traveling to Uhdar Vex, the sanguine City., the adventurers have to make a deal with the blood mages to join the effort, being given a budget by The Twilight Alliance on... 500pp?

The Clot Coven

level 1-5 Focusing on combat, this pits the adventurers against a night hag and her two or three vampire Juvinile lackies.

The Children who got away

levels 1-5 set in the early points of the incursion, during the march of blood, a village scrapes together all their coin to urge the adventurers to take their children to the ships sailing of to safety. make sure as many of the children as posible make it to the docks and see them safely of to sea, do you take on more then just the kids? do you try to save the whole village?

Neophyte Lords

this is a list of some random thoughts of adventures with a main villan in the form of Neophytes.
The Black Sourcerer
a Neophyte of clan Null, a person who is diving into it with vigor.
The Thirsting One
A Thirsting Neophyte of Clan Crimson inspired by

Cruel Tricks

Some of the Foes the forces of the dawn may be facing includes...



Heroes shapes

Heroes come in a variety of forms, here are some suggestions for character creation:

Prominent classes:

Blood Hunters are some of the first rising to meet the new foe, taking to journey across the ocean before the twilight ships to seek knowalge, and afterwards in serch to vanquish the evil on that land.
Paladins and Clerics sworn to serve gods, many clerics and paladins take to the twilight fleets to seek to aid those in need and to snuff out the darkness.
Necromancer called into aid the effort for their knowalge of undeath, necromancers where not the first to be called upon, but where never rejected.
Warlocks it took a long time before they where urged to aid in the efforts, but when they where, some warlocks, particularly of the fiend, made deals with their masters to seek out souls of these beasts from across the ocean, some to get out of lossing their own to the monsters they had alligned with.

Suggested Character types

The Missionary you are on a quest to give hope, Paladins who shine with their armor in the midst of a dark night, clerics who shine healing light over the wound of a commoner. you are here in the name of the divine, and you have a quest to end this evil curse.
Vengance You have lost someone, someone close to you was taken by these beasts. its time to right that wrong, and take on the task of eliminating these creatures. you take what you can get, maybe even spending the last of your savings on a rare item of firepower, as you know this is do or die.
Lost Child you where one of those set on the ships that left the dark continent, you where saved from that evil night, but you know that not all of your family got away... maybe you know your older sibling still is there? maybe you seek to make sure your parents also make it safe? whatever the case, you have few leads, but they are across that ocean.
Deal with the Devil warlock, you made a deal that sold your soul ey? well, whos to say you cant pay that back? prehaps you made a arrangement with your patron, to collect souls of the vampires across the sea into a cage you where granted by them for the purpose... one hundred souls of any vampire, and two or three that the fiend picked out in particular... Show Spoiler
(what if one of these is a turned parent of a child from the continent?)


the most common lead enemy of a quest are Vampires.



Darkan, the last city

The city that all the fleets of the twilight aliance set sail for, a bastion of hope in dark times, but beset by evil that claws at its gates.

The Obsidian Spire

Home to the dark mage who plummeted the continent into night.
Some mood setting music for you:

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