Uhdar Vex, the sanguine City. Settlement in The Cycles | World Anvil
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Uhdar Vex, the sanguine City.

at the end of a mountain trail, positioned preceriously at the edge of a stone plattform. this city was the vission of Kalusan The Scarlet    

In the age of Scarlet

in the age where the vampires incured on the world more then ever before, the city was lead by a high mage (Udyrin the Crimson), and pools of blood were spread across the city.

The Thirtheenth cycle

In the thirteenth cycle, the city holds a beating heart in the form of a old mage, who circulates the crimson fluids through pipes. they have made hydrolic systems running on the blood within their walls, and are a terrifying mechanised form of the vile arts of blood magic.

The Greater Lord

Deep in the depths of the Sanguine City, is a stone coffin, holding an ancient Vyre. mayhaps even worthy of being called a Vampyr Lord
Inhabitant Demonym
Crimson Zelots

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