Ghosts Species in The Cutting Room Floor | World Anvil
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Ghosts are peculiar hostile beings found in Ondine Sea, their origin is shrouded in mystery. They generally take the form of glowing skeletal figures, often appear to take the forms and abilities of the species they are facing. Their bones are not formed from real bone, instead of a material that roughly approximates the properties of bone with tiny shards of Ondinite riddled through their structure.

They are theorised to be the result of a faulty Ancient Ondine security system that became active after they vanished. Ghosts will attack anyone indiscriminately though are able to be repelled with activated Mermitite, usually in the form of a Mermaid's Charm.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

They do not reproduce through natural means, usually emerging from the seabed, materialising in the water or appearing alongside temporary islands.

Dietary Needs and Habits

There is no evidence to suggest that ghosts require sustenance of any kind, they do seem to have a limited supply of energy but never take any action to restore it. Upon running out, the crumble into dust and are soon replaced by another.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

The average ghost seems to lack any real intelligence, simply acting as an autonomous drone, attacking any targets they find. A small number seem to develop limited intelligence that gives the facade of higher mental function, these often take the role of leaders, though they aren't actually any more capable than any other ghost.


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