The Darkthorns Organization in The Crucible of Creation | World Anvil
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The Darkthorns

A shadow organization consisting wholly of members of a single family, their spouses, and their offspring that has a single minded devotion to research, experiments, and knowledge acquisition. It is said that you can immediately spot a Darkthorn by the tell-tale presence of their silvery, grey and platinum, blonde hair.   The Darkthorns have set up a headquarters of operations within the Crystalsphere of Realmspace, on the Shattered World of Toril, however rumor has it that they are actually an ancient organization that has traveled across the planes and Wildspace in search of greater knowledge after abandoning their own homeworld. Given their vast knowledge and the widespread awareness of their reputation across the multiverse, it is very likely that pockets of the family have infiltered and set up research hubs in all known places within the Material, Elemental, and Astral Planes where knowledge may gather.
Consortium, Research

Character flag image: by Jesse van Dijk


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