Adventurer's Anonymous Organization in The Crucible of Creation | World Anvil
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Adventurer's Anonymous

A guild for adventurer's that got it start by focusing on logistics security details and odd-job quests.  The guild focuses on safe and secured transportation of goods and people via its network of teleportation circles, contracts for odd-jobs by citizenry, nobility, and kingdoms for odd-jobs and quests that require specialist, and the recruitment and training of raw adventurer's into seasoned veteran's and specialists.  The guild 'operator', known as Sebastian, has been effectively running the organization for as long as anyone can remember, but he has consistently put out contracts and quests to locate the "Guild Masters" and return them to the Adventurer's Anonymous home office.

Modus Operandi

What set Adventurer's Anonymous apart from the other guilds of the time was a kingdom agnostic vision that the prosperity of the world and the towns was inherently held back due to the dangers presented by travel. Whether it be stormy seas and pirate raids across the ocean, assaults by bandits or attacks by monsters on the roads, the cost of goods and people moving from one place to another is what held back civilization and order from reaching across the Forgotten Realms. To combat this, and make a healthy profit in the process, a staple of highly skilled adventurer's for braving into the unknown and securing the routes for transportation would be a necessity.

Affordable Logistics Transportation Services

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Trusted Task Specialists

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Adventurer Recruitment and Benefits

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Early Beginnings

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Post-Shattering Involvement

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The human wizard, Dmitri Durst
The tabaxi bard, Chirp


Guild, Adventuring


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