Utstyrstad, City of Golaiths Settlement in The Crossing | World Anvil
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Utstyrstad, City of Golaiths

Since before the dawn of man, the Goliaths have been a nomadic people--all except these. Long ago these came down from the Craglands and found a place to settle, building themselves a city of stone and steel, working marvelous contraptions into the city that humans to this day still cannot comprehend, let alone figure out how to make themselves. Some reason there must be some sort of magic at work not available to mankind. Maybe they're just upset that mankind has been bested at the one thing they were meant to be good at.


Mostly Goliaths. Anyone is welcome in the city as long as they are willing to work, but not many can accomplish the great feats the giant folk require of them.


While most of the cities in Venathel are governed in some way by a monarchy, Utstyrstad is ruled over by a council of five, each of which is voted into power by the people and govern different aspects of living in the city.


Massive crenelated walls of stone and steel latticework surround the city of Utstyrstad, interspersed with towers equipped with the powerful Frigondi, cannons of ancient faeglass that even untrained soldiers could use to put a hole in a mountain.

Industry & Trade

The people of Utstyrstad are geniuses of engineering. They create everything from common everyday items like farseers to things that seem nearly miraculous, like the spheres of magical darkness that eat sunlight, the Stareaters, which are mainly used by those who dwell in darkness.


The most notable bit of infrastructure in the goliath city would be the distortion mill, which takes the flow of time and parallel planes and converts the energy into power for the city, to everything from their lights to the crystal diviners in most taverns that show locations all around the world(and are generally used for entertainment purposes).

Guilds and Factions

-The Palmers' Guild, which works as something of a thieves' guild in the city, but a bit less barbaric. These thieves steal nothing they can't take with one hand, which most of the time is loose coin, and have a guild-wide rule against doing harm to their marks. -The Mercers' Guild, who are in charge of all trade within the city. These follow the command of the master of coin, one of the five governors of Utstyrstad.


The buildings here are narrow, long, stacked one upon another with tall sloping roofs of green and blue wood shingles. The windows are circular, but they hold no glass, instead covered by steel blinds meant to allow air to flow through the city. Some buildings have windows meant to catch the wind to create a specific tune, acting as a warning sign in the case of certain...catastrophic events. Events that were long ago prophesied by the Goliath Seers of old.
Alternative Name(s)
Gear City
Large city
Roughly 60,000
Inhabitant Demonym
The Emberfolk

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