Bounty Hunter Profession in The Creedverse | World Anvil

Bounty Hunter

In the world of 1880, the bounty hunter profession has evolved into a unique and essential component of the criminal justice system. These skilled individuals are responsible for tracking down fugitives, criminals, and other persons of interest, often working on behalf of law enforcement or private parties in exchange for financial compensation. Bounty hunters have adopted various new technologies to enhance their abilities and gain an advantage over their targets. This article explores the bounty hunter profession in this era, with a focus on the use of innovative technologies and methods employed by these daring individuals.   The Role of Bounty Hunters   Bounty hunters play a vital role in maintaining law and order. They work independently or as part of a larger organization, taking on assignments to apprehend criminals and bring them to justice. Their expertise in tracking, investigation, and combat make them a formidable force in the pursuit of fugitives. Bounty hunters are often hired by law enforcement agencies, private individuals, or corporations to locate and apprehend individuals who have eluded traditional law enforcement methods.  
  Adoption of New Technologies   Bounty hunters in the late 19th century have always been quick to adapt to new technologies and methods to improve their effectiveness. The rapid advancements in technology during this time have provided these individuals with a range of cutting-edge tools and devices to aid them in their pursuits. Some of the notable technologies employed by bounty hunters include:   Auto Caninus Automatons: Developed by a prominent Inventor, the Auto Caninus is an Automaton designed in the form of a Dog, or "dog steely." These remarkable machines are capable of tracking fugitives through scent and other environmental cues, providing bounty hunters with an invaluable resource in their search for criminals. Auto Caninus automatons are also capable of engaging in combat, using their mechanical strength and agility to help subdue targets.   Advanced Firearms: Bounty hunters have access to a wide variety of advanced firearms, including long-range rifles, powerful handguns, and even experimental weaponry. Some bounty hunters have turned to the black market to acquire these advanced weapons, providing them with a significant edge in confrontations with dangerous criminals.   Stealth and Surveillance Equipment: Bounty hunters employ a range of stealth and surveillance equipment to track their targets discreetly. This may include telescopic lenses, listening devices, and other gadgets designed to gather information from a safe distance. In some cases, bounty hunters may even use black market technology to gain access to restricted information or enhance their stealth capabilities.   Transportation and Mobility: Bounty hunters make use of various modes of transportation to cover vast distances in their pursuit of criminals. This may include horses, Auto Equis, and trains. Bounty hunters are often skilled in various forms of transportation and are adept at navigating challenging terrain.   Conclusion   The bounty hunter profession in 1880 is a dynamic and evolving occupation that relies heavily on the adoption of new technologies and methods. The use of devices such as Auto Caninus automatons, advanced firearms, and surveillance equipment has allowed bounty hunters to become more effective and efficient in their pursuit of fugitives. These individuals play a vital role in maintaining law and order, and their willingness to adapt and innovate ensures that they remain a formidable presence in the ever-changing landscape of the late 19th century.