The Spines Condition in The Cradle of Worlds | World Anvil

The Spines

The Spines is actually a set of common conditions found among halflings, gnomes, dwarves and other shorter humanoids. An over calcification begins to occur creating small bone spurs to grow where they shouldn't be. These small spurs will cause pain during movement and are accompanied by a weakening of the standard skeletal frame leading to spinal deformation and back issues. Occasionally the tiny bone spurs start near the head, this can cause pressure against the optical nerve and auditory nerve affecting eyesight and hearing.


A great variety of treatments are used to treat the spines, but most tend only to be effective for a while and for certain individuals. Magical treatments are especially effective but the body begins to develop an immunity to the treatments if they are done frequently. It is unknown if the disease can ever be fully reversed once begun.   Three treatments are incredibly popular. Mineral baths, fish oil supplements, and priestly healing spells.


Prevention is a common concern of middle aged dwarves, halflings and gnomes. Most have heard a great deal about preventive measures of diet, or special exercises. A comprehensive study of these has shown mixed results and while some might be effective for some individuals it is unclear how to determine which regimen will help which person.   A few example regimens are a strict vegetarian diet, a strict grain free diet, daily back stretches, daily kelp consumption, and sleeping with resin based oils on the feet.

Cultural Reception

Most of those that suffer with the condition are helped by the community. This is part of a general social contract that the elderly are looked after by the children with the understanding that future generations will do the same. It is especially common for the elderly to trade poltices and suggestions about how to manage symptoms related to the condition.

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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