Ravi the Conquerer

the Conquerer, the Unifier or the First Ravi Veer

The current ruler and founder of the Argon Empire. In his twenties he was a rising knight in the army of the City-state of Roya, later becoming a general and radically expanding the city-state's influence with dependent regional territories.   When the royal family of Roya was assassinated by a rival power, he consolidated the military generals to prevent chaos, declared himself the Emperor of a new Argon Confederated Empire. Eventually crushing the other state which had orchestrated the killing of the royal family and annexing many other small baronies for mutual defense and bargaining power. With this and the destruction of the necromancer Nidra, who took residence in an ancient shrine of the dead, Ravi was clearly bound for greatness.

Personality Characteristics


As the eighth child of eleven he desires to rise above everyone else. He has an excessive desire to have affection. Specifically desires the death of an adolescent rival who is now leader of a cult to The One Between.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

A Mastermind of tactics and strategy he is worried about his lack of knowledge of nature, religion, and magic in general.

Personality Quirks

Coin flipping


With long slick backed hair, leather vest and long leather bifurcated hakama he looks like he would be home on a pirate vessel.
An unnamed underground village.
Current Residence
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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