Kai Myth in The Cradle of Worlds | World Anvil


Kai is the common name given to the mythological creature known as the Kaiset Mudora. This creature enjoys chaos in any and all forms, and is attracted to chaos with the desire to create more disorder. Most stories revolve around clutter and disorganized spaces as being the thing that attracts the Kai. This clutter appeals to the Kai's need for chaos, and it proceeds to act like fey stories where mischief is a priority. Most stories say that the only way to get rid of a Kai is to clean, however others say that if you clean to aggressively it will attack you.  
If you don't clean the bathroom the Kai will hide your toys there where they will get broken.
- a mother

Historical Basis

It is believed that the story is from the needs of mothers to encourage children to clean, however an alternate theory is that the creatures of natural chaos may have inspired this as well. Small chaos creatures known as man demons are often mixed with the Kai in literature, though technically separate things. They are especially mixed when dealing with darker fiction aimed at an older audience.

Variations & Mutation

The biggest variations have to do with appearance. In some tales the Kai has a four foot long tongue, in others it is clothed with trash, and in still others it has giant fish like eyes. These are mostly regional and species based differences in the tales. The most unusual might be the tale told in Tantir, east of the Henderent Plains. It tells of a Kai that looks like a porcelain doll and is aggressive against parents and grandparents but gives children gifts to keep things appropriately messy.

Cultural Reception

It is a favorite of parents to remind their children to get their chores done. It is used in popular literature, for children tales and plays to more serious literary works.

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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