Chapter Seventeen: Neutralize in The Corporate States of America | World Anvil
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Chapter Seventeen: Neutralize

It soon became 6pm on April 12th of 2162. The Discontents came to a plan and begin to implement it. Sebastian decided to hide in the foliage surrounding the abandoned area of suburban Chicago to watch James and Wei meet with Hasan O'Malley. Meanwhile, Raymond decided to keep his eyes on the figure that was watching the area currently, someone the Discontents believe was connected to Hasan. The four also agree upon a code word for when James and Wei believe the plan may have become FUBAR.
Slightly after 6pm, Hasan arrives in a customized large vehicle, with a body guard in tow. James and Wei begin the talks for their cover story, a biomedical reader for glass interfaces that Fuyao Glass Industry Group wishes to develop for the Virgin Galactic space station project. As Wei hears Hasan's clumsy attempts to over complicate the design, Sebastian notices additional figures beginning to surround the perimeter. With that, the signal is sent out, and a battle begins.
Raymond and Sebastian proceed to take out the varied people that are surrounding the perimeter. Hasan tries to rely on his intimidating tech to scare James and Wei, but realizes he has to take more drastic measures. The large bodyguard grapples with James, intending to drag him into Hasan's vehicle. With Raymond and Sebastian distracted by other attackers, Wei makes a Hail Mary shot to Hasan. Luck is on his side as he shoots Hasan through the neck. In moments, the remaining agents for the slain biomedical tech expert begin to just walk away in random directions. The group believes this is related to the same situation of the staggering man they encountered on Chicago's Michigan Avenue (Chapter Fifteen: Pursuit) and that when Hasan died, the protocol he controlled turned off. These people are now aimless, walking without direction.
James patches up Wei, who then decides to dig through the computers to figure out where Hasan's black market business operates. The information leads to the abandoned Woodfield Mall in the remains of the Chicagoan suburb named Schaumburg.  The Discontents decide to go straight to mall to see what Hasan may have inside.
Sebastian picks out a place for the group to park and then they scope out the area.  They decide a parking garage structure would be a good place to try to get to the building, however they do not decide to enter that way.  Instead they climb onto the roof, thinking it will be the least secured area of the building. They go to a skylight, and through there James sees the feet of a person walking away from a trash can on the abandoned floor of one of the anchor stores. There may be more programmed individuals in the building.
While looking for access, Wei finds a door to an elevator shaft.  Sebastian kicks in the door and they take it down to a main hallway area.  Wei ends up walking into a trap that gives him an electrical shock.  James patches up Wei again, and as Sebastian tries to see if the trap is disabled, a drone with a camera comes into view.  Everyone tries to hide from it's gaze but then they decide they will try to follow the drone.  It looks to be that as they approach 8:30pm on the day of their meeting with Hasan, it's going to be a long night.

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