The continent of wordal Possession
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The group traveled towards the dragon's lair but faced a possessed Igor and a chaotic battle with werewolves. Rycard and Albion eventually reverted to human form, and Helena the dire wolf was killed. The group blamed Igor but decided to focus on reaching the dragon quickly. They contemplated diplomacy with the dragon to defeat the witch and seek a cure for their lycanthropy.

The group headed out towards the presumed lair of the dragon, still intending on killing it to claim its heart. It was about a days worth of travel away and they had to rest in the forests around the hills for the night.   Belanor and Albion had first watch, and Albion felt a spirit attempting to enter his body, but was able to shrug it off. Albion then went to bed and Belenore stayed awake a little longer to share Gorm's watch. Gorm used his ethereal sight again to try and see if there were any spirits around. The spirits realized he could see them, froze and stared at him ominously. Gorm offered some food and drink, attempting to satisfy them, and then engaged in a sort of staring contest until his ethereal sight wore off. This encounter left his 30 years older. Finally Igor took watch with his dire wolf Helena. Igor contemplated his new Oath of Redemption and his pledge to the House of Redemption. He was continuously haunted by the spirits of the innocent people he killed and decided to open himself up to them, hoping to receive forgiveness. Instead, he got possessed by a ghost.   The next morning the group continued their travel up the mountain, but Igor, possessed by the ghost, was acting strange. Gorm didn't trust the situation and started asking Igor personal questions, which the ghost couldn't answer. The ghost then used Igor's connection to his dire wolf to attack the party from behind while Igor drew his sword at the front.   Helena the dire wolf attacked Rycard. Gorm and Belabor tried to constrain Igor. Albion grabbed Lilliana, and took her to Rycard, hoping to protect their ally. Instead, Rycard's curse of Lycanthropy was triggered and he turned into a werewolf. He attacked Albion, which, in turn, triggered Albion's curse of Lycanthropy. Albion bit Gorm, cursing him as well. Gorm, Belanore, Lilliana and Eliza were now facing off against Igor, Helena and two werewolves.   The fight was tense, but eventually Rycard and Albion were able to revert back to their human forms, and Helena was killed. The group then continued to harass Igor, until he was knocked unconscious, expelling the ghost. Gorm, still in a rage continued to beat Igor down, almost beating him to death. He then came to his senses.   After that the group exchanged accusations and blamed Igor for what happened. Eventually they agreed that this couldn't go on any longer and they had to get to the dragon as fast as possible. They considered using diplomacy to convince the dragon to help them defeat the witch and possibly find a cure for the curse of Lycanthrope.

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