The continent of wordal The Murderers of Dargan
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The Murderers of Dargan


When the heroes arrive back at the guild they are welcomed by Charn who asks them how their first official mission went. The heroes are honest about what happened and Charn, surprised by what happened. leads them to the Headmaster Fenwyn. There they explain what happened in more detail. Fenwyn is mostly concerned, but Charn is outraged by what happened. After questioning the heroes about what happened for a while Fenwyn tells them to get some rest.   Brakathar checks up on Charn and they engage in a practice match. Charn does not hold back and with a handful of strong blows strikes defeats Brakathar.   Ub seeks out Kaelin to ask her about necromancy and how it is viewed in the world. Kaelin reminds him that they have gone over this before, and asks is there is anything Ub would like to tell her, but Ub keeps his business to himself.   The next day the Heroes wake up to some upheaval outside. At the doorstep are 6 knights and 12 knights demanding that the Heroes' Guild hand over the Murderers of Dargan.

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