The continent of wordal The Troubles of Myrewatch
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The Troubles of Myrewatch

24/7 12:00
26/7 12:00

Albion learned that his curse can be cured by a swamp witch. Igor wants to see what they're dealing with and triggers Albion's curse in a controlled environment. Daemron head to Myrewatch to find out if they can offer support. ge quickly gets into trouble, but manages to kill Wynhardt, a luitenant of Gyn.

Yrthad took a look at Albion and told him that he suffered from a terrible curse for which he could offer no solution himself. He believed that there had been people who had been cured from the lycanthrope curse, but it was not through reliable means. One way that he heard about was through the help of a swamp witch, though the price you’ll pay may be higher than you’d like, even if you don’t know it at first. Albion decided that he wanted to get rid of the curse at all costs and together with Igor he prepared to venture into the forests to the west, hoping to find a witch to help them.   The rest of the party had business in the village and couldn’t join them, but Joshua warned Igor that things might get real bad if Albion would turn somewhere along the way. In order to be prepared Igor decided to have a test run with Albion and locked him in a cell in the dungeon below to the town hall, taunting him to trigger his curse. Albion kept his cool for a long time, until Igor decided a precious medallion. Albion started to change and within second Igor stood eye to eye with a terrible monster. It showed no semblance of the person it used to be and tried to attack Igor from the cell. When Igor repaired the medallion Albion returned to normal, exhausted and weary. He was so tired that they would have to put off their trip into the woods for a couple of days and decided to rest for a while.   Meanwhile Daemron went out on a little adventure of his own. Using his false identity he headed to the village of Myrewatch, disguised as Head-priest Eddy of Annaaru. He staged his arrival with the rising of the sun in the east, hoping to impress the villagers. Most of them were reluctant to greet him. Eddy headed straight to the church where he found the village priest performing his morning prayers. He decided to intimidate the priest by praying louder and with more determination himself and the two entered into an awkward contest of who could pray the loudest.   Eventually Eddy introduced himself to priest Longwyn, who told him that he had been troubled by werewolves and members of Gyn’s gang for a while now. He had asked from assistance from the church before and thought Eddy was send to him to fix his problems. Eddy inquired about how Gyn’s gang had been troubling the village and Longwyn told him that Wynhardt, a Luitenant of Gyn in charge of the Myrewatch area, had become more aggressive lately. “Taxes” had increased significantly and they his men got more and more violent against the villagers. Eventually Eddy asked about Myrewatch castle and learned that it had been more or less abandoned since the War of the Vale started. Eddy set up a base of operations in the castle and spend the night there.   The next day Wynhardt and his men stopped by the village to collect taxes again. The villagers were instructed to line up and hand anything they produced over to the bandits. Wynhardt himself went straight to the church to go over the list of produced goods to make sure everything checks out. Eddy decided to join and Wynhardt let him. After the meeting Eddy told Wynhardt that that were some valuables in the castle as well that he wanted to offer. Wynhardt took some men with him and followed Eddy into the castle. Through the clever use of magic Eddy managed to split them up and be alone in a room with Wynhardt and one of his men. He attempted to kill them both, but Wynhardt escaped. Eddy cast an illusion on himself to look like Wynhardt and ran out of the castle shouting that the other was an intruder. After a short debate Eddy managed to convince the bandits that he was the real Wynhardt and to true leader was knocked out and captured by his own men. Eddy told the bandits he wanted to deal with the “imposter” himself and took Wynhardt into the castle where he killed the man. He then ran off.   Later the bandits found out that Wynhardt had been killed and realized they were fooled. The seconding common, Rycard, took over and ordered his men to find the killer. He went to the church and dragged the priest outside demanding an explanation. At that moment Eddy walked in with false wounds and blood hoping to convince them that he was also a victim of the murderer. Rycard recognized him with a frantic look.

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