The continent of boesia Important Events of the Contemporary Era Timeline
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Important Events of the Contemporary Era

  • 1904 C.E.

    12 Windwax
    1913 C.E.

    20 Pluvitude

    The Herdenese War of Independence

    Tensions between Albesia and Herden, one of their colonies were never good, but in the early years of the 20th Century, the Albesian Crown had increased conscription efforts in the colony in preparation for further expansion into the west. These conscriptions were for many, the last straw, and in 1904, the Alliance for a Free and Independent Herdenese Republic officially declared their independence. While nobody expected the Albesians would let the colony go without a fight, the long, bloody war carried on for years. Despite being at a clear disadvantage and with no aid from neighbouring countries, the Herdenese managed to draw out the war for long enough that maintaining the colony was no longer advantageous to Albesia. A treaty was finalised on neutral ground in Nantajia in 1913.

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    Herdenese Republic
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  • 1931 C.E.

    15 Windwax
    1935 C.E.

    12 Pluvitude

    The Western War

    The second conflict between the Albesian Empire and its colonies began in 1931, when the neighbouring colonies of Vandia & Vidmor agreed to follow in Herden's footsteps together and declare independence. The mostly agrarian nations needed weapons, and were supplied by the Tuserdians, their neighbours to the northeast.

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    Vandia & Vidmor
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  • 1957 C.E.

    22 Crestmark
    1957 C.E.

    18 Windwane

    the Kutopyl Conflict

    Armed with materials and weaponry from the now-established Herdenese Republic, the mountainous Albesian colony of Kutopyl began their war for independence. The Albesian Empire, having just lost the Western War a few years ago, were not able to maintain a military presence in Kutopyl, and fully withdrew after six months of fighting.

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  • 1981 C.E.

    3 Frosttide

    Official Albesian withdrawal from Lontadia
    Political event

    After years of repeated conflicts with its colonies that led to the gradual shrinking of its empire, Albesia signs away authority of Lontadia to the Grand Duke, in hopes of salvaging a financial relationship with the country.

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  • 2002 C.E.

    21 Pluvitude

    The First Sucessful Nuclear Fission Experiment takes place
    Discovery, Scientific

    A joint project conducted by scientists from around the world at the University of Schoptendorf in Eldureia successfully cracked nuclear fission, kickstarting a new age of scientific progress.

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  • 2106 C.E.

    15 Crestmark
    2114 C.E.

    2 Veriditude

    The Eldureian War of Succession
    Political event

    The Eldureian War of Succession, which was kickstarted by the death of a reigning monarch (and later, the assassination of his wife) who left no heirs eventually spiralled out of control, with houses of the nobility and their various armies fighting with no end in sight. Eventually, a nuclear escalation against the city of Axbrand shocked the world, causing foreign powers to force negotiation between the houses. At the end of it all, the kingdom of Eldureia was disbanded, and the Emberleaf Republic was formed to replace it.

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    The Emberleaf Republic
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  • 2377 C.E.

    13 Pluvitude

    Mashani Polytechnic Patents Monowire in Several Countries
    Technological achievement

    Monowire, an essential technology for cybernetics, construction, and weaponry is invented and quickly patented.

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  • 2408 C.E.

    11 Veriditude
    2411 C.E.

    18 Windwane

    The Ofidolian War
    Military action

    Territorial conflicts concerning the ownership of mining towns in the Ofidolian Mountains between the Herdenese Republic and The Confederation of Tuserdia escalate into bitter guerilla warfare in the mountainous region, which is resolved after 3 years by Emberite diplomatic intervention. This event is considered to be the catalyst for the creation of the Northern Continental Alliance.

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  • 2457 C.E.

    18 Windwax

    Queen Catherine II of Albesia dies
    Life, Death

    Catherine II of Sehou-Lorvilos, the reigning monarch of The Albesian Dominion dies of a (questionably declared) heart attack. The beloved reformer is succeeded by her oldest son, Charles Amadeo IV, who begins a reign that would eventually throw the nation into civil war.

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    The Albesian Civil War
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  • 2461 C.E.

    5 Windwane

    The first working Contragravity Engine is created
    Technological achievement

    Contragravity, a revolutionary technological development that combines engineering and arcane metaphysics is revealed to the world after successful tests of the first Contragravity engine.

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  • 2467 C.E.

    2 Dewtide

    The Albesian Civil War begins

    The Albesian Civil War begins in earnest after a ten-year reign of terror by the nation's monarch.