Nut Character in The Connection | World Anvil

Nut ([nut])

Astral Parsons bought Georgie Palmer a pony, but it turned out that she's afraid of horses.   Woops.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Nut is very strong and smart. As a working filly, she'd been meant for farm life. She's not a working horse, however, and lives a life of luxury. Because Maria can listen to the thoughts of animals, Nut is never without help if something should go wrong.   Unless it is the middle of the night and there is no one around except Georgie.

Identifying Characteristics

Nut has a star on her face, which is how she earned her name, as the goddess Nut is usually depicted as covered in stars.

Specialized Equipment

She does not have any reins or saddle because she is a good girl and people (Maria) can read her mind.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nut was a filly from a nearby farm. Gorgeous and gentle, Nut would make the perfect horse for that stereotypical "girl who wants a pony but could never have one because horses are expensive and require a lot of space and care" type. That's not exactly how she was advertised, but that's what Astral saw when he went shopping around for horses.   Nut's original name was Kimberly, but when she was adopted by the Connection she was given the name "Nut" after the Egyptian goddess of the sky. Of course, once her name was written on her stable door, the pronunciation of her name became unclear. She is, after all, a horse, and so a simple name like "Nut" was misconstrued.


Maria took on most of the responsibilities of training her. She's gentle, doesn't bite, and can be ridden safely.


Like other members of the Connection, she has never worked a day before in all her life.

Mental Trauma

After being exploded and reassembled in a hazy, LSD-induced panic attack of a necromancer, Nut became a little skittish around Georgie.
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
blown up
Place of Death
the barn
Dark brown, large
Black, usually braided, sometimes with flowers
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light brown with dark brown patches
14 hands


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