Compendium World Primer in The Compendium | World Anvil

Compendium World Primer

A Visitor? Really? Where did you say you come from again?
— Dionicus, Keeper of the Great Hall
  Welcome to the Library of Ages. You are invited to puruse the stacks on the main floor and make yourself comfortable. The Vault of Life is clearly marked and strictly off limits to visitors as is the second floor balcony and basement stacks. The stack catelog which includes the restricted collection is located to your right at the information desk where the librarian on duty will be able to help you locate stories on any world that strikes your fancy. If a book is located in the retricted areas, the librarian will be able to retrieve it for you unless it is located in the Vault of Life.   The main floor back hall is designated a quiet zone. There is a study area equipped with table space and task lighting, as well as comfortable leisure reading areas. We have several adjustable beds which can be reserved for those who love to read in bed. We encourage you to make those reservations early as this is a very popular reading space for our non-loanable collection. Only one person at a time is permitted in a reading bed.   If you wish to talk, we ask that you remain in the front hall area and keep your voice moderated so that you do not interrupt nearby conversations. Thank you for your considerate obedience to these rules.

Cover image: by tlcassis using inkarta


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