Trekism Organization in The Codex Of Ephonel | World Anvil
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Trekism is a spiritual religion found prominently in Naltry, Balos, and Fhlitanol. Trekism is an ancient faith deeply ingrained in Naltrinese and—to a lesser extent—Balish culture, and it is a core part of The Empire Of Naltry. Its worship is varied throughout the different lands, and many branches could arguably be called separate religions, but all share a similar cosmology and understanding of morality.

Public Agenda

Trekism is notably tolerant regarding other faiths, as it has worshipers have been since its beginning. Broadly speaking, Trekists view most religions as merely other Aspects of faith and worship of God. There is no such thing as blasphemy or any innate evil in those who espouse differing views, and this stance carries to Trekists view of other cultures in general.

Divine Origins

Trekism's exact origins are lost to time, but they are ancient beyond measure. Proto-Trekism—the precursor to modern Trekenic Religions—dates back to the Omwelian Golden Age before the Orilon War. This makes it notable for being one of the precious few belief systems and cultural touchstones to have survived the tumultuous Nadallic Era. After the collapse of The Orilon Empire and the freedom of Naltry, the religion underwent a few notable changes, marking the start of modern Trekism, as it becomes more recognizable. Since then, it has settled into a more cohesive faith, far less scattershot and varying from village to village.

Cosmological Views

Like all Trekenic Religions, Trekism espouses that fundamentally all things in the universe are one; each just a different aspect of God. This means all things—living and otherwise—have interchangeable souls that flow from one thing to another, all of which make up the reality that is God. However, these aspects are not all equal. There exist, Five Base Aspects that are the closest to God, and through these, all things part of God can be categorized. Another important constant is that all things—except God itself—have an inverse that helps define them.


With the nature of Trekism in all things being linked, ethics and morality are fundamentally made without free will. In the Trekist's eyes, all things happen as they are meant to. Thus a 'good' or 'bad' action cannot be any other way making its morality irrelevant. However, this does not mean anarchy reigns in Naltry; it just means to Trekists, there exists no universal right and wrong.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Trekism is an essential component of The Naltrinese Empire—so much it is sometimes named The Trekenic Empire—particularly regarding its social hierarchy and power structure. According to Trekist doctrine, certain people are of a higher tier of Aspect than others, meaning they are closer to God and through that holier. These people are the nobility who the realm and the highest and thus most holy is The Emperor. But as generations pass, these people become further and further from God as they become lesser Aspects of their ancestors. By this point, new nobility and even new emperors rise, each being 'newer' and lesser progressed in the layers of Aspects.
Founding Date
Proto-Trekism: 3500, UE.* Modern-Trekism: 700, NE.*
Religious, Other


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