The Festival Of The White Horses Tradition / Ritual in The Codex Of Ephonel | World Anvil
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The Festival Of The White Horses

The Festival Of The White Horses is an annual ten-day event in tyet  celebrating the city's founding. the ceremony commences with ten snow-white horses being ridden across the long bridges, each accompanied by a troupe of Knights and Healers from The Twin Orders and several children. afterward, in tyet proper and its demi-cities, the grand and exuberant festivities begin. people decorate the city with ribbons and flowers and make the central city square into a vast carnival and circus, host to games and entertainment of all kinds.


this festival serves as an influential coming of age rite in tyet, all children at the age of twelve ride with one of the white horses to begin an apprenticeship in a craft of their choice. it may be for smithing in Iloda or fishing in visacine, but only can it start on the festival day, and only does it end when the horses return on the tenth day to mark the end of a festival.
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