Ep 63 Secret Cross End Recordings in The City | World Anvil
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Ep 63 Secret Cross End Recordings

Dear Nora Jones,

  I love the work you did on your last record! My producer Mr Obsidian insists that my last record was a disaster and I need some help. I wonder if you might be interested? You see I’m making a science nerd concept album about Love and DNA. We’ll be recording at a secret studio in Cross End. We’ll probably need to sneak in because of the paparazzi. I can’t wait to work with you and hear the music we create.   Sincerely,
The Black Report    

Let's talk about last episode

  This is it man! Yeah Nora and I made some music man, we had some help from Hoodie and Captain Choas of course but anyway, I’m so excited to examine this song and what it really means. Before we dive into that lets first lets address the end of the Trees episode. The Red Tree at the end, the hollows, man, I think it’s gonna haunt me until I figure it out. But I do not want to go back there, please don’t ever go there! I’m not kidding Please don’t. Anyway, I’ll be honest, I don’t think I can actually solve the Hollows, I think the best I can hope for is to find a way to break free of it’s grip on me and keep others from going there. That investigation is gonna take a while so you’ll have to be patient, But i will share a tiny bit of what I’ve already learned, which is more than I knew before… did you know the Hollows has an official name. It’s the Chester B and Agatha M Hollows Park. Yeah, I swear it just popped up on the internet one day with a name, whereas before I swear it didn’t have one. I just thought it was the hollows. So this investigation will be ongoing and Spoonies, if anyone knows more about this Chester B and Agatha M please post it on the tipline.     Anyway, enough about that. I was a little off my rocker last episode and I wanted this one to be more chill. So, I’ve got the recording that we did. I think I’m going to release it under a pseudonym like maybe Danger Mouse Featuring Nora Jones, I gotta stay anonymous right? So let’s take a listen and examine these amazing lyrics that Nora came up with.   Listen to song.
Every girl gets her dreams.
Cast into reality
Never seemed to bother me Only just recently
So something happened to Nora, and her life changed, and I think this new life is like a dream, it doesn’t seem possible but now it’s her reality. And for a while this new life didn’t seem to bother her. She was cool with it you know, until recently when she learned that someone did something to her.
  'Cause you seem to believe
That we'll never be free
Always gonna be needing
Nora has this urge, a Need, a hunger inside of her that she doesn’t think she’ll ever be free from
  Can't we be Like the season's trees
Changeably, Just not so easily
The trees change every season, they grow leaves, become green, they turn different colors and shed their leaves in order to survive the winter. Noras telling us she doesn’t want to just be this dream version of herself, She wants to change, but it’s not easy
  All in all we're the same
Jumping through hoops of flames
Sounds fun, what a dangerous game
Pretty picture trapped in frame
In a lot of ways her life is the same as anyone else’s. She’s gotta jump through hoops, she’s got a job she’s gotta do, she’s got a boss, but for her the hoops are on fire, Nora is playing a dangerous game with some bad people, she’s probably done some pretty bad things, and maybe even enjoyed it. The pretty picture part alludes to the fact that she’s also trying to work with some good people, and do good things. Kind of leading a double life, dangerous and pretty
  But you seem to behave
Like we'll always be slaves
Never running away
Obviously she feels like she serves a master and she never runs away from her job. I believe this is true for her, whether she’s working for organized crime, or some do gooder, she’s always professional and she does what she’s asked to do. Obviously at some point this might become a problem working for both sides, and maybe that’s why she goes to another chorus here.
  Can't we be Like the season's trees
Changeably Just not too easily
But maybe on this chorus she’s talking about, why can’t she work for both sides, like a tree, changing with each season to whatever she needs to be.   Then they do another chorus;   So, the overall story of what this song is about…..well…i can’t stand it any more I have to level with you alll, Nora’s not actually alive...she’s not a ghost like I said before how she was a friendly ghost who helped me out of the hollows. She’s can’t be a zombie because zombies just say grrrrrrr, they can’t sing like that, she’s way too cool to be a zombie. So a vampire, maybe But  

I have another theory.

  I just want to be clear folks, Nora was made into whatever she is. She may have done some bad things but that was part of her programming. She deserves a chance to find a way to fit in to this world. Now apparently she was part of a project Theta. I did some digging and I found something...   “A Hybrid, also known as a T-H, or Theta, is a human who has been transformed into a cybernetic organism. It is the main focus of Project Angel, which was initiated by the Genetics division of Cyberdyne Systems, and Reborn by Skynet as project Theta.”   Damn I hit you with the shocker before explaining! I did that for entertainment value folks. Here’s the background So these Time Travel Theorists made a series of documentaries, books, and a website where this quote came from. They proposed that Robots rule the world in the future. And they send back cyborg assassins to the past to get rid of any pesky humans that cause them problems in the future. Now Most people dismiss these documentaries as simple works of fiction, but I think Nora is difinitive proof that were right! It starts with fitness watches and ends with Robot assassins. ARRRRRG I don’t want to go analog but dammit be careful people what info you’re putting into your devices. And if you know your device is infected with something malicious GET RID OF IT! In those doc’s though sometimes they’re sent back to protect the humans, and other times to kill them. So, what is Nora’s mission? I don’t know, but I have more. A trusted source of the Black Report told us that there were 3 locations where we could find out more about project Theta, but she only told us 2...the 3rd was a mystery. Well, I think I found the 3rd location. You’re not gonna like it...   “Bakers Hollow was a recreational spot for campers, fisherman, hikers and hunters….Baker’s Hollows had been selected as a testing ground for Skynets Project Theta to determine if the Hybrids would effectively infiltrate into a community.”   The...HOLLOWS. Is it possible we’re in an alternate timeline and that’s why there’s 2 different names for the place! Or do they know that we’re on to them and that’s why all of a sudden they renamed the place to throw us off! You can’t get rid of us! We’re gonna find the truth! Ahhhhhhhrrrrrrg ! Ok, deep breath, calm down, Uh I promised this episode was gonna be chill, calm down.   Ok, public service announcement, watch your backs, don’t go to the hollows, and don’t trust computers. Let’s get back to this cool song that Nora wrote, boy those are great lyrics that really give us a lot of insight. Here’s the Seasons Tree in it’s entirety

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  The Black Report ep 63 The Secret Cross End Recordings


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