The Guitar of the Arch-Bard Item in The Chronicles of Traith | World Anvil

The Guitar of the Arch-Bard

This beautiful instrument was crafted by the King of Tepth Jaffalimar Greaylin for the bard,  Duke Matheral Solarsong for his service to the kingdom. The two had shared conversations on many occasions with Matheral and Jaffalimar both going on about their own different theories about magic, math, music, and the Multiverse. Jaffalimar had decided to create an instrument like no other before it. This guitar is as powerful as it is beautiful, Jaffalimar bound an air elemental it thus making the instrument sentient and allowing its performer to utilize some of elementals inherent abilities.


The Kingdom of Tepth has had it's share strife since the beloved King Durlax Greaylin death. Many differnt nafarious groups and organizations of ill intent have sought to seize, subjugate, or undermine whatever form of government stood in place until the rightful heir to the throne was found. If it wasn't for the dedication of a handful of individuals the kingdom might have fallen before the truth about Jaffalimar Greaylin had been learned. Even after Jaffalimar had been crowned king there was no shortage of intrigue and subterfuge working its way through the shadows and courts of the land. With The Men Who Walk in Green having fulfilled their prophecy Ayzious had set off to continue spareading the word of The Eight Brothers and build more temples in their honor. Bremathor had remained in Tepth until his alleged untimely death while investigating Merthraster's Tomb .


This powerful and unique musical instrument was a gift from King Jaffalimar Greaylin to Duke Matheral Solarsong as a token of appreciation and gratitude for defending the ideals of the kingdom even when it wasn't his job or place to do so. Crafted by the King himself this custom guitar was made for Matheral specifically.
Item type
Musical Instrument


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