Durlax Greaylin Character in The Chronicles of Traith | World Anvil

Durlax Greaylin (Dur-Lax Grey-lin)

King Durlax Greaylin

King Durlax Greaylin is regarded one the best and well loved kings the country of Tepth has ever had, He was and honorable man who ruled with his good heart and lead with strong conviction. His domain prospered during his rule yet his rule was not one without conflict. In his first few years of being King the Kingdom of Tepth came into conflict with Elven realm of Crestshire that lies to the south of its mountainous borders. Having received a thorough education in diplomacy Durlax made every effort to settle the misunderstanding in every way possible to avoid bloodshed on either side. As a last resort King Greaylin himself lead a peace mission to the Elven realm of Crestshire in an attempt settle the dispute.   King Durlax Greaylin travelled by ship with his royal guard lead by the head of his personal guard Alessryn Tayrelif. This diplomatic mission was destined for failure from the moment the king and his accompaniment stepped foot on the shores of Crestshire. The King and his party were immediately attacked with most of the kings guard being slain in the first few minutes. Durlax humbly pleaded with the elves to take only him and to let the others leave. The elves agreed and let Alessryn and the surviving members of the royal guard and the ships crew leave the way they arrived. Durlax was thrown in the cell of the cities dungeon where he sat alone in the dark for two days before the dungeons door opened again. He had hope the elves were finally coming to negotiate his release or execute him, he wasn't ready for what happened next. Two elven males brought a badly beaten and injured Alessryn into the dungeon and dropped her to the floor and left. Durlax tended to her wound and nursed her back to health over the course of the next few weeks and months. They had known each other for long time since childhood truth be told maybe not always in the same circles of friends or nobility but they had trained for several years and gained mutual respect and admiration for each other which had played a major factor in Alessryn becoming the head of his personal guard.   As those days had turned into weeks and then months after that Durlax had come to realize how intertwined their lives had been. He had always found her attractive even from their earliest interactions in school, Durlax remembered all those years ago sharing his first kiss with Alessryn during a break from their daily lessons on a dare from another student. The years of sparing and training with her he had always had some sympathy for her situation but never would've told her that. Alessryn was an only child to a noble family, her father had truly wanted a son not a daughter so she had been raised as such. Alessryn was the woman that Durlax would've chosen to be his queen but he hadn't been the one to make that decision it had been made for him for the best interest's of the realm.   They reminisced as Alessryn began to heal and regain her strength, as time went on the two continued to bond. As soon as Alessryn was able Durlax made sure they began sparring in an attempted to keep themselves combat ready should the chance to escape present itself. The more they interacted the stronger the attraction grew until Durlax couldn't hold back the truth any longer. he confessed to Alessryn how he truly felt about her. She told him that she had always suspected as much but neither wanted to over step her station or make fool out of him or herself. With all the cards on the table and in a grim situation the two began sharing more than just the cell in the dungeon with each other.       Biological father of Jaffalimar

Mental characteristics


Durlax was well educated probably more than he wanted to be but he was raised to be the king and that meant he need more that martial skills and he learned and accepted this early in life


Alessryn Tayrelif

Paramour (Important)

Towards Durlax Greaylin



Durlax Greaylin

Paramour (Important)

Towards Alessryn Tayrelif



Honorary & Occupational Titles
King of Tepth
Circumstances of Death
King Durlax was aboard a Tepthian warship in pursuit of suspected conspiritors when his ship was attacked by two dragons. At the time this seemed far fetched as it was prior to the release.
Alessryn Tayrelif (Paramour)
Current Residence
The kings Mosullium Atepthilar.
Aligned Organization


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