Quill of Forgery Item in The Chronicles of Traith | World Anvil

Quill of Forgery

These Quills are very valuable to those who pursue less than legal endeavor from as little as just a signature to full handwritten document the results may well be indistinguishable from the originals. The ability to provide yourself with the proper documentation from as little as a person's signature can be quite useful. Quills of Forgery are a magic item that comes in two variations lesser and greater.   A Lesser Quill of Forgery increases the chance of an "artisan" successfully forging the desired product.   A Greater Quill of Forgery grants it user to flawlessly forge an exact duplicate of anyone's hand writing that have a physical sample of.    Many thieves guild use these Quills to product varying form of legal documentation. Pardons, bail receipts, work orders are some of the documents that these guild are known to forge.   Smugglers are very fond of these Quills as well. Having not having to pay dock fees can save a lot of money and what smuggler want to ever pay more than he has to. Also having a letter from a noble or high ranking official from the settlement they are trafficking into can help avoid legal searches and seizures of illicit goodbye harbor masters and or sanctioned naval vessels.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

A Quill of Forgery is exactly at it sounds it is a magically enchanted Quill that allows its user a greater chance of


Many who work in the criminal underworld believe the potential usefulness of Quills of Forgery out weigh the cost in coin. The ability to significantly reduce the risks that come with their line of work is imnmeasa +-   ++- 1+
Item type
While Quills of Forgery are not mass produced they able obtainable if you know the right people to contact. They can be generally found for sale in some of the more seedy magic shops as well as businesses that deal with illicit goods.
Raw materials & Components
One goose feather along whatever material components are required to enchant the feather.


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