Pregnancy Condition in The Chronicles of Traith | World Anvil


Pregnancy can be a scary condition not just for the potential mom but also the potential father as well especially if its the first parental go around. So many questions of that new unknown future will we be good parents, will she be a good mother, or will I be a good father.    Many women wish to be mothers when they get older but that does not reduce the level of fear that some experience.

Transmission & Vectors

When a human male and female sexually reproduce  there is between a fifteen and twenty percent chance each month that the female may become pregnant. For an adult human female in her twenties there is a a seventy-eight to eighty-six percent chance of he conceiving within a given year. A woman who is between age thirty and thirty-four has a fifty-two percent chance of getting pregnant in a given year. As a women gets older the chances of a successful pregnancy are reduced and continues to degrade the older she gets.


The number one cause of pregnancy is sexual reproduction. While many active participants are eager to become pregnant and carry a child full term other are just enjoying the pleasures of the flesh and have zero desire to become fertilized.


The first symptoms of pregnancy usually begin between the second and third week after sexual intercourse and one week after conception. The most common symptoms of pregnancy are, a woman missing her monthly cycle, mood swings, food aversions, early bloating, fatigue, sore breasts, light spotting, high body temperature, and nausea.


Most women are happy they will carrying the gift of life within them but sadly some women did not have that choice. There are treatment available throughout the world but these forms of treatment are not looked upon very highly. There can always be extenuating circumstances the mother and child are both at risk if she carries the baby full term, moms at risk, baby is at risk


Don't have sex and practice abstinence.
Chronic, Acquired


Author's Notes

The pregnancy chances statistics are factual and obtained from a

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