Guardsman Golfond Kir Character in The Chronicles of Kassen | World Anvil
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Guardsman Golfond Kir

Golfond Kir is a simple man, having had the sense kicked out of him by a horse as a child. He is dedicated to his duty as a guardsman, standing watch in Kassen's lone watchtower every day without fail. When not on duty, he can be found either running errands for his elderly mother or playing with the local children along with Ring Ibbleting, who often has some treats and bread for him and his mother. Honest to a fault, Kir can be counted on to tell the truth, even if it means that he will land himself in trouble. While others make fun of Guard Captain Gregor Wisslo, Kir refuses to do so. In return, the captain treats Kir like any other soldier, despite the man's many mistakes.   Since the horse's kick to his head, Kir has found himself the victim of many cruel pranks and japes, which the good natured man smiles and laughs off. Since she and her brother, Tang, have come to town, Ring has done her best to stamp out the bullying, but has only had partial success with the children and none at all with the adults. Kir appreciates the effort and often helps her and her brother in his shop when the weather is too poor for playing outside.


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