The Septum Confederation: The Fell Star Incident Military Conflict in The Chronicles of Iberia | World Anvil
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The Septum Confederation: The Fell Star Incident

During the War

  Survivors of the Battle of Mo'ra stretched beyond the mountain ranges, heading towards uninhabited lands. Several of those survivors consisted of the former settlement of Corid, a magically inclined town that investigated the Well of the Aether. With their elemental sprites to guide their survival through the perilous mountain ranges, they arrived in a comparable plainlike field akin to their homeland.    Satisfied with the local accommodations, the survivors began to settle down and prepare for another potential invasion. As the uneducated common folk looked to the casters for guidance, they contributed their labor in return for their magical protection and intelligence. While there were no significant conflicts during the war of Mo'ra in this region, minor skirmishes transpired against some Fomorians and other monstrous creatures that traversed the mountain range.  

After the War

  Within Southern Aliech, the most populous settlement known as Un'li was established. The majority of the casters took reign as the various familial leaders of their regions and remained in command as time advanced. Numerous schools and teachings in the form of familial Magus Towers took form, the vast majority being those of the The Septum Confederation that led the settlement towards safety.   Known as the developers and founder of Magitech equipment, and the owner of vast collections of magical relics and artifacts, Un'li remains at the forefront of magic in the world. Many of the technology that Un'li retains are ones of secretive nature. Unwilling to share their technology or research, they individually focus on their works in secret.    It is rumored that if this land were to ever go to war against Grehearth, it would be a one-sided massacre. It is rumored that while Un'li is inferior in terms of population and industrial might, the sheer amount of raw power that Un'li could produce could rival or even best Grehearth.
Settlement | Sep 12, 2022
The Septum Confederation
Organization | Jul 23, 2022


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