The First Cresent in The Chronicles of Iberia | World Anvil
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The First Cresent

Residential Area

  The Residential Area is owned by Vashkia where they have built hundreds of houses of various types to house all the people of the city. The Residential Area is split into multiple sections by the protecting walls of the city. The homes outside the walls are modest though built well and laid out so as to function as a maze-like detriment to any invaders brave enough to storm Un’li; these homes belong to the common folk. Inside the city, the houses are grander with additional ornate design and a more organized layout; these homes belong to the mages, nobility, and practitioners of the city. On top of this Vashkia is responsible for creating all the vital infrastructure of the city.  

Alchemical Spires

  The Alchemical Spires were created by Vashkia to ward off monsters and harmful creatures.   Its signature cyan flames can be seen illuminating the skies in the distance when arriving to Un'li. They are placed somewhat haphazardly all around the outer regions of Un’li, but grow more organized as it gets closer to the center.   Traveling closer to the city, people will notice eight larger alchemical spires that dwarf the other minor spires seen in the outer regions. Built during the founding of the federation, these spires are known to be the pillars that function as a prototype for the newer spires. Built with different cultures of magic from dwarven, dragonic, gnomish, etc, they are maintained by Vashkia but are woefully in disrepair after the The Fell Star Incident  With much of the infrastructure in disrepair, Un'li currently teeters between the balance of repairing and building more spire to defend the land from the outside creatures.


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