The Fell Star Incident in The Chronicles of Iberia | World Anvil
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The Fell Star Incident

Iberia's Greatest Tragedy

"To those that seek the truth, one must simply gaze towards the heavens above."

"As we all gazed upward into the sky, a sudden trail of violet light would crackle throughout the stars. "

"Horror would soon manifest itself in the air, as the light would collide onto the moon with a violent screech that threw us all into fear."

"The backdrop of the second moon of Iberia, shattered."

"Its pieces would make landfall, and lay waste to the lands."

"And the falling star whose violet light was in the midst of the shattered pieces, would do the very same."

"Its echo would ripple throughout the entire world as it fell, penetrating the mightiest of fortification, and felling most stoic of hearts."

"The world would never be the same afterwards."

"This great tragedy would be known to the Iberia as the Fell Star Incident."


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