Elves Species in The Chromatic Order: Unrehta | World Anvil
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The oldest race among the sentient species of Unrehta, the elves have changed in many ways since their history began, now divided into four ethnic groups. Uncompromising in their ideals, elves live along a strict ideal so fundamental to who they are, it's impossible to break their will. Unlike humans, who are free to choose their own believes, elves are born with their ideology.    This has lead to the manifestation of several unique elven ethnicities:    Solos Elves, aligned closely to ideologies of Order, Law, and Self-sacrifice;    Lunos Elves, believers in Chaos, Anarchy, and Autonomy;   Arnos Elves, who follow Neutrality, Balance, and Kinship.    A fourth division exists, the Beynos Elves, who consider themselves the purest elves, the ones who've least strayed from the creators path following ideals of Elven dominance and superiority. They have no particular alignment, but see themselves as antithetical to all other races.    An elf's beliefs are so fundamental to his/her physical being that many have come to understand elves are physical manifestations of ideology.


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