The Iron Drake Prose in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil

The Iron Drake

Again, we enter the Dreamlands, and our eyes are opened to the past.   Lockette: “I ain’t going back, Atticus.”   Your dream pans through the amber light of a false sun, passing through the window of a small mechanics shop surrounded by children at play, and into the entry hall, where two figures stand at odds. One appears to be a spitting image of the Lockette you know, but her clothes are different, and her expressions strained. The man across from her is calm and collected, but in the haze you see great anger, and a posture firm in its power.   Lockette: “I made up my mind after that business in Typhoon. What you people are doing, you can leave me out of it. The schematics allow for another pilot-”   Atticus: “Which would take years to tune to your numbers. Time we don’t have.”   Lockette: “I gave you an answer.”   Atticus: “You might not like the consequences.”   Lockette frowns, and the workshop darkens to her mood. Tools hover up from where they are sitting, and several mostly-assembled laser rifles rise from their position, and point directly at Atticus.   Lockette: “Threaten me in my house again, and I’ll paint the walls with you. Get the fuck out of my neighborhood, Director.”     As the man leaves, the world spins, and we find Lockette standing in the same place, but at a different time. [Old Man Langdon's Song begins to play in the background of the dream.] When the weather systems on the station went haywire, and a storm came to Aballon. Lockette’s front door is open, and she’s pointing a small hand cannon at the silhouette hidden by the pouring rain. Despite her confident scowl, you notice her hands are shaking, and her clothes are soaked through.   Lockette: “Quit following me, and get - ya hear?”   ???: “I’ve come for you, sinner.”   Lockette: “I- I left that life behind, Old Man. Ain’t never going back, I swear.”   ???: “The future does not erase the past.”   Lockette’s eyes narrow, and with a flash of light, fires her hand cannon. The camera lenses unfocuses, and we hear Lockette gasp. Your view pans as the machinery attempts to get a better view, and at the end, we see Lockette lying on the ground. A hole the size of a fist has punched through her chest, and her eyes are glassed over - empty. Slowly, her nanites begin to pull her back together, but it’s too late. Time speeds forward, and although the rain fades, you still hear it, a guest overstaying its welcome. Shadows pass by the glass of the front door, a few quick knocks, but no one comes inside. Dust begins to gather on the shelves, and on Lockette. At last, the Android’s body is restored, but her eyes remain empty… A breath. Lockette sits up in a flash, snapping her hands to the hole in her jumpsuit.    Lockette: "What in Brigh's Great Graces is this? Is this my blood? It looks like someone could have right died here... Oh. Right..."   The woman gets on her feet warily, and begins to explore the workshop, and the sun sets on Aballon.


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