Stolen Harp Item in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil

Stolen Harp

This once-angelic harp is now covered with rust, its physical strings lost long ago, but still represented by beads of ambient, rainbow light. When plucked by flesh and bone, the harp offers a discordant version of the Song, muffled enough by time and memory not to cause harm, even to those who have been blighted by the Curse of the Songbird. Once per day as part of an intense ritual that takes 1 hour to cast, playing this Harp mends bones, metal, and minds — healing 1d4 hit points per character level, repairing equipment with the Broken condition, and undoing any Sanity damage gained in the hour prior to the casting of the ritual.   But the Harp was never meant to be just a harp, and longs to once again take up the form of a weapon… Consult your GM on possible ways to restore this artifact, and how you might integrate it into your own kit. This item does not count against the maximum number of magic items you can carry at any given time, but must be held by two hands in its current form.   This item was later given to Fish to create the bow Heartstring, and was destroyed in the process.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Destruction Date
318 AG


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