Matriarch Character in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil


Said to be one of the first Saints recognized after the Gap, the Matriarch is sometimes called the Mother of All, and is the matron of the orphans on all planes. Her followers are often matriarchs themselves, and it is uncommon for an orphanage not to bear her sign above their door.   Theologians believe she and the Roaring Justice were once one entity or close partners, split during the mysteries of the Gap.  

Blessing of the Matriarch

Range: Single Source, All Allies with 30 ft. of Source
Action: Reaction or Swift
Duration: Instantaneous   When invoking the Blessing of the Matriarch, a feeling of comfort falls over the caster, and they emit an aura of peace. All allies within range are unerringly transported to a safe location, decided by the Matriarch at the time of casting. All transported are healed to full health and vigor, and any negative status effects not introduced by a deity are removed. This transportation is untraceable, and any attempts to magically detect the targets in this location fails for 24 hours.   This ability has no negative aftereffect.
Character Art by Julie Dillon.
Divine Classification
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by Julie Dillon


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