It Won't Be Long - Season 1 Prose in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil

It Won't Be Long - Season 1

In the water, you see… A vision. No… A movie. The camera slowly pans up from the water, revealing a damp cave lit by candlelight, where a single individual stares into his own reflection. While bandages cover the majority of his body, golden tufts of hair poke through, and his stature clearly labels him a Halfling.

Rufus: “How will it be done?”

A ghostly voice answers, deep with age, but there is no visible source.

Centurion: “Chaos. Perhaps by a proxy. Heroes are easily led astray.”

The camera pans to the Halfling’s face, whose vibrant eyes crinkle with a painful, knowing smile.

Rufus: “Do it.”
Centurion: “As you wish.”

The camera cuts to a new scene, deep in the mechanical bowls of the Idari, the colony ship of the Kasathas, masters of the Solarion faith. Tesin is tied to a chair, her jaw swollen and bleeding, as the Masters look upon her.

Masters (as one):“Why?"

Tesin glares at them, and spits at their feet. From the back of the crowd, a single voice speaks.

Nawa Jin: “Take her away.”

Cut. A new scene. Lockette types hurriedly at a keyboard, data flashing in streams before her eyes, but nothing of what she seeks. The door behind her shakes as a battering ram collides with the metal frame, and then buckles. A swarm of men in military fatigues dash into the room, tackling Lockette to the ground and pulling the plug from the computer port. At the last second, she sees the beginning of an entry - “The S.S. Iron Drake”, and then the screen goes black.

We find ourselves on the planet of Akiton, in a rusted warehouse in the dead of night, lit only by the flashers on the police cruisers.

SWAT Officer: “Come out with your hands up!”

Balio steps out from the shadows, meets the eyes of his fellow hideouts, and flees. They begin to shout and hiss as Balio dives through a service door into the alley.

Dominic Altraeza: “I’ll fucking kill you!”

A bullet grazes Balio’s leg, causing him to fall, and then the SWAT team pours in.

The camera pans to a new scene, on a distant planet with no public name. Androids kneel on the ground, guns pointed at their temples, all looking to the only one of them left standing.

Isra: “It was me. I did it.”

One of the captured, a man with an elderly face, attempts to speak out, but is silenced by the younger man beside him.

Corporal Taxus: “Very well. Then you will take all the punishment. Remove her.”

Isra merely nods, and raises her wrists to accept the chains.

At last, we arrive on Bretheda, to see a young Barathu in cybernetic chains before the greatest of his people.

Confluence: “We will give you one last chance, ‘Chad’. Join Confluence, join us, or suffer the consequences of your actions.” Chad: “I’d rather burn on Varos.”

Confluence scoffs, and with a simple thought, Chad is hurled from the chamber, landing in a heap at the door to the Atrium.

Confluence: “We’ll see if a year on the death moon changes your mind.”

With a fading sweep, the camera focuses on Chad, laying on his bunk in the cell of Mining Team 6. As the view zooms out, we see his teammates sleeping nearby, dressed in the neon orange uniforms of Sauna prisoners. It is the morning of the 12th of Gozran, 317 After Gap. You have been imprisoned for 6 months, slowly climbing the ranks to be the best Mining Team on Sauna, much to the chagrin of your fellow inmates. But even they do not understand your greatness, for everything is about to change. And it starts with a dream.


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