The Dapper Lion Pub Geographic Location in The Caribbean and Seven Seas | World Anvil
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The Dapper Lion Pub

The Dapper Lion Pub is a pub located in the Turtle Crawles of Port Royal. It is a well known safe haven for Pirates within the city, and is maintained by ex-Captain and The Brethren Court officiant Marshella Dean.


The Dapper Lion was once an upstanding pub that only served members of the The British Royal Navy and the Admiralty court when it was owned by Marshella's father. After many years of working in the tavern as a bartender, Marshella left the Dapper Lion, which then had a different name, to pursue a life of Piracy.    After Marshella's father passed away and left the tavern to her and her siblings, Marshella returned to Port Royal and retired from her seafaring career. Burning the old building down, she reconstructed a new pub using parts from her decommissioned ship, Ship: Dapper Lion. With the hull of the ship, Marshella created a secret underground casino that would serve as the hidden base of operations for The Brethren Court in Port Royal.    The location has served as the beginning of many Pirate adventures, and the Navy has attempted to have it confiscated from the Dean family for years. There have been a multitude of raids on the location, but Marshella has always been able to keep the official slate of the tavern completely clean, and it functions as a legitimate business.
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