Gas Spewer

There's not many animals that can survive the harsh environment of the Miasmatic caldera. Low oxygen levels, various poisonous gases, some of which are highly acidic and corrosive don't make the best habitat. And yet there are some creatures that not only survive in that place but also use it to their advantage.
One of those creatures is a gas spewer.  


Gas spewers are a weird mix of toads and birds or bats. Like toads, their bodies are covered with bumpy, leathery skin that secretes mucus. Similar to amphibians, they breathe through their skin, which lets them survive in an environment with lower levels of it. Their hind legs are very muscular and if straightened, they'd double the length of their bodies. Instead of vocal sacs under their throats, they possess gas sacs adapted to store dense poisonous gases. When filled, those sacs make up 30% of the height and width of their bodies.
Instead of front legs, gas spewers possess a pair of webbed wings. The wings aren't strong enough for them to fly, although they can use them to suspend themselves in the air for a few seconds, something they use when hunting prey taller than them.
On the front of their faces, gas spewers have hardened, sharp tissue similar in its shape and structure to a bird's beak they use to rip apart both the fungi and the meat.  

Reproduction and growth

Gas spewers reproduce by laying their eggs in the poisonous pools that form when gases condensate during colder periods.
During that period, males search for them and once they find a pool with eggs, they have to be accepted by the female protecting them. If the female accepts them, they spray their sperm all over the eggs.   After a few weeks, tadpoles hatch out of the eggs. Their parents don't stay with them and so they have to survive on their own, hoping that their pool doesn't dry out before their full transform into their adult forms.  

Dietary needs

Gas spewers are omnivores. While all of the plants and fungi they need to survive grow only in the Miasmatic caldera, if they want to fulfill their hunger for meat, they usually have to leave it for some time and hunt. Their hunting methods are quite unusual. When preparing themselves to hunt, gas spewers start to feed on plants that burst with poison when touched or pierced. Once said plant bursts in their mouth, they fill gas sacs under their throats with poisonous gases. They repeat that with a few different species of plants and fungi, creating a powerful and deadly concoction stored inside their bodies. Once filled, gas spewers leave the Miasmatic caldera and start to hunt for their prey.   When attacking (and also when they defend themselves), gas spewers jump in the air and suspend themselves on the eye level of their prey/attacker. Then, they empty out their gas sacs into their face, hoping that the gas will kill the other creature. If they succeed, they can feast on the corpse for the next few days. If not, they run away back to their home to prepare for the next hunt.
Average height:
~60 cm
Average length:
Gas spewers are considered pests and lowering their numbers by hunting them is highly encouraged. As of now, they lack any natural predator that would keep their numbers down.   Domestication:
Many attempts were made, but gas spewers seem to be untameable. One moment of inattention, and they will try to kill their tamer either by poisoning them or pecking at them with their sharp beaks.   Distribution:
Gas spewers show up only in The Depths. While they normally reside on the layer where the Miasmatic caldera can be found, when hunting, they can be encountered up to few layers above and below it.


Both the eggs and the meat of the gas spewers, when cleaned and neutralized, are edible. The meat has a chewy texture and a sweet taste, while the eggs pop when bitten, filling one's mouth with its rich content. When prepared correctly, they can change the taste of the dish.   The skin and gas sacs of gas spewers are highly resistant to poisons and acids, while still letting the air through them. If prepared correctly with specific substances, they can be both used in the creation of gas masks and hazard suits. Additionally, gas sacs are often used in the creation of weapons capable of spreading poison.

Cover image: Call of the Tree by Revyera


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