Biluah Language in The Burning Worlds | World Anvil
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Biluah, a widely spoken language in Dunyawal, holds a unique position as a common tongue that draws influences from various languages across the world. Designed with the intention of facilitating communication and fostering unity among the diverse races and cultures, Biluah incorporates elements from the native languages of the Limae, weaving together a tapestry of linguistic features that reflect the rich cultural tapestry of Dunyawal.   Scholars hailing from the prestigious Ibran University of Alik Ajan undertook the arduous task of devising Biluah as a means to bridge the linguistic divide across Dunyawal. The grammar and vocabulary of Biluah are carefully crafted to be accessible and comprehensible to speakers of different languages, allowing for ease of understanding and expression. It borrows words, phrases, and idioms from the different tongues spoken throughout Dunyawal, resulting in a linguistic amalgamation that bridges the gaps between diverse communities. Through this fusion of linguistic elements, Biluah serves as a unifying force, promoting cooperation and understanding among the inhabitants of the world. Due to its origins, Bliuah bears a strong resemblance to Ibran.   Despite its constructed nature, Biluah has evolved organically over time, influenced by the cultural exchanges and interactions between the various races and regions. It has become a living language, adapting to the needs and preferences of its speakers. Through Biluah, individuals from different corners of Dunyawal can engage in conversations, negotiations, and storytelling, breaking down barriers and fostering connections in a world that is as linguistically diverse as it is rich in culture and history.


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