Bitter Dagger Poison Item in The Bold Kobolds | World Anvil
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Bitter Dagger Poison

The poison was concocted by the alchemist of The Bitter Dagger Clan to give them an edge over The Bronzefoot Clan. They would coat their arrows in this poison and then fire upon the charging Bronzefoots. Once enough of the poison was made, they began to coat their blades in the poison as well. This gave them significant advantage over the raiding Bronzefoots but the Bronzefoots were able to eventually mitigate the danger with their own unique armor.



1 vial of this poison has 3 uses. You can expend 1 use to coat an arrow or a blade in the poison. You can also expend uses by pouring a single dose into water, food, or into the victims mouth, ears, nose, eyes, or open wound.

If coated on a weapon, the poison will last for 3 attacks or 3 hits. After 3 attacks or 3 hits, it will need to be reapplied. There are some substances than can be found that you can apply to your weapon before applying the poison to extend how long it will last which will extend how many attacks can be attempted before the poison is flung off the blade.

  If the poison is coated on a blade or arrow, the target suffers from the below effects:
Critical Success The target is sickened 2 and slowed 1.
Success The target is sickened 1.

  If the poison is ingested, the target will attempt a Fortitude save of DC18 and will suffer from the below effects:
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target is sickened 1.
Failure The target is sickened 2 and slowed 1.
Critical Failure The target is sickened 2 and Slowed 2 and cannot reduce it's sickened level below 1 for 1 day.
Item type
Current Location
Owning Organization
Raw materials & Components
Various poisons from animals and plants found in the Bitter Dagger territory combined with additives.

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