The Soul Exchange Building / Landmark in The Black Apple | World Anvil
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The Soul Exchange

The Soul Exchange (Or SoEx for those in the know) is the premier place to trade in souls, not just in Manhattan, but everywhere outside of the Hell itself. Demons and their mortal partners rush in and out of the trading floor, furiously trading souls back and forth. While in the past, the metaphysical exchange of a soul required meeting demon to demon, Mammon instituted a new system to speed up investments; Futures Trading.
Rather than just changing souls already harvested, prospective buyers can trade on the Soul Exchange, where contracts can be exchanged digitally, at the speed of light. Investors then effectively bet on the outcome of a soul's future. They may buy a soul low in value now, hoping that he will find love and turn to God in his old age, or sell a valuable soul now in fear that it will become corrupt soon.
To determine the actual value of a soul is a difficult prospect - Pure souls have more worth once they make it to Hell, but holding a contract on some twisted up piece of work might give you sway over a real useful servant while he is still "Topside", as the demons call it. To determine the sale value, however? Just look at the huge board in the middle of the trading floor. Oh, and be sure to sell that Hansen soul, we just heard he likes to look at pictures of dead people and ain't quite satisfied with looking anymore! SELL, SELL, SELL!

  While the Soul Exchange is most heavily visited by demons, anyone can in theory sell and buy souls there, with some enterprising witch doctors and necromancers doing their best to play the market.
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