Hellfire Aristocracy Organization in The Black Apple | World Anvil
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Hellfire Aristocracy

While most souls that go to hell has a miserable, tortured eternity to look forward to, a rare few manage to distinguish themselves. Through cleverness, through force of will, through sheer fucking evil - They stand apart from the common rabble of minor demons and the eternally damned. They are the Hellfire Aristocracy.
Ruled by Lucifer Morningstar, the First Fallen, The Lord of the Seven Hells, Prince of Lies, King of Evil, Emperor of the Earth, The Betrayer and First True Sin, the Hellfire Aristocracy deals in souls as currency, ruling vast domains in Hell and having idle warfare with each other and with the forces of Heaven. While duplicitous and treasonous, the lords of the Hellfire Aristocracy are almost pathologically unable to break a contract directly - But are very proficient in bending it just to the point of snapping.
A rare few members of the Hellfire Aristocracy find themselves on earth and in Manhattan, where they continue the politics of the Pit, gathering souls to themselves and for their lieges.


The Hellfire Aristocracy has every title humanity has ever dreamt up and even more, all interwoven in a complex mockery of even the most confusing of mortal hierarchies. Trying to see through it is a pure impossibility.
The only thing that is clear to surmise is that Lucifer Morningstar rules supreme and that the second in rank are the Princes of Hell, each ruling one of the 9 layers;
Beelzebub, Pythius, Belial, Asmodeus, Satan, Merihem, Abaddon, Astaroth, Mammon
Religious, Divine Host
Parent Organization

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