Guiding Hand Organization in The Baazdos Frontier | World Anvil
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Guiding Hand

The primary religious presence on the Frontier, focusing on healing services, sermons, collections for the underprivileged, and general guidance. The Guiding Hand also oversees the Labyrinth Divinum, a maze-like library filled with all arcane and divine findings in the frontier.

Mythology & Lore

The Guiding Hand encourages it's followers to live their lives according to the deeds of the 11 Saints, personifications of virtue.

Cosmological Views

According to the Guiding Hand, the creation of the universe was an attempt by two primordial deities, called Mother and Father, to create a child with all of their best aspects. Father represented the formless order of time and space, while Mother represented the chaotic energies of creation and entropy. Together they attempted to form the perfect god, one that embodied all tenets of their infinite beings.   The creation held form for a brief moment before exploding into a universe of time and space, chaos and order, creation and destruction. The inner planes formed as we understand them today. The Material plane, Feywild, and Shadowfell all existing in the same space, with the raw influence of the Elemental Planes cushioned by the ineffable Ethereal Plane.
Controlled Territories


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