Histories of Etal in The Awakening Dream | World Anvil
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Histories of Etal

Despite the isolated nature of the Etayen in modern times, their history as a nation extends far back into the opaque mythos of the past. Throughout the Awakening they expanded through the continent of Etal and grew prosperous under the guidance of Atûn. Toward the end of that era, Atûn created Vojûn for the Etayen using the power bestowed within their esseythu from which he drew strength. That sparked the Ascension Era, in which the Etayen burst forth from their homeland and conducted campaigns of exploration and colonization against the lands around them. They enjoyed preeminence for over 1,000 years, but lost power when the rebellion of Corgastor and the men of Everos led to the defeat of the Etayen Empire and the death of Atûn. With their deity fallen, the Etayen suffered steady decline over time, as their holdings broke into successor states and the remaining pure Etayen were expulsed. In modern times, however, the Dominion of Etal has surged back onto the world state with its invasion of the Ghetunbalastod ast Corgastor. It is an intriguing story among nations and following the threads of history in Etal is the best way in which to make sense of it.     Discovery of Karossusdal (-6300)   Long centuries passed while the Etayen grew within their villages sucked beneath trees upon verdant glades of teal. All existence to them was nothing beyond themselves and the basest instincts of life, being desires for sleep, food, and love. Atûn, though being their creator, was still quite the stranger as an Eshanic master. Religion was unknown. However, with time came the maturing of the Etayen people, and they spread themselves across the northermost reaches of Etal without hinderance nor dilemma. Beautiful hamlets sprawled over the natural landscape, becoming one with it. Cities were yet unknown, for agriculture and such stability was itself unknown. All the same, their civilization grew until the boldest looked toward the distance horizons and frontiers with lust. In the north was nothing but endless ocean, or so Atûn told them, beyond which was nothing but murderous waters. The south was landward, and thus provided some manner of exploration which the Etayen could pursue.   Construction of the Sussikentar (-6100)   The curious Etayen were much interested with the novelty and mythical implications of Karossusdal, for it expanded the scope of their world which was so limited. Atûn was wise, however, and perceived that his people were not prepared for encounters and conflicts with those who might occupy that distant region. Their population was small. Calamity might mean the utter extinction of the Etayen race and ruination of Atûn’s careful plans. He desired time, extended time- enough to cultivate his people to tens of thousands rather than mere thousands. For this, he desired to separate Etal proper from Karossusdal physically and symbolically.   Foundation of Amikiras (-5635)   Atûn was clever and vigilant, and noticed before other Eshan how olûndi managed to discover methods of agriculture otherwise unknown in the universe. This was limited to a small, sporatic scale unfitting for progress. Atûn educated his people on these methods and improved upon them for the construction of Amikiras. A series of beautiful farming terrances were built along the broad slopes of the island.   The final great construction which Atûn ordered was a bridge.   Reign of Argathollas (-4254 to -4221)   In the later years of the -4000s, the shores of Etal were approached by a strange race from Voryndal. They were known as the Agepid, and were ruled by Argathos, being one among the numerous Ebal’eshan. This Argathos requested from Atûn that his people be allowed safe haven in Etal, for the tribulations in Voryndal were too great and his people suffered. The Youngest of the Alor’eshan considered this request at length. Perhaps it was a wise means to prepare the Etayen for future interactions with other races? Indeed, it was Atûn’s secret ambition to unleash his people upon the world when the time was proper.   Matters were long peaceful, passing some 30 years, until the sudden and unexpected arrival of new strangers from Voryndal. They were not Agepid as Argathos claimed, but others who heard the news of Etal and desired themselves to escape to this haven. This was unacceptable. New arrivals were like blood seeps from an open wound. The whole continent might soon be flooded by the children of these ambitious Ebal’eshan. It was now that Atûn turned against Argathos and attacked his race.   First Invasion of Karossusdal (-2712)   Since the ancient discovery of Karossusdal near 4000 years ago, the imaginations of the Etayen race were turned now and again to that place. Successive generations of Atûsbal desired to explore that place, but they were denied by Atûn. He explained to them that nothing except poor weather and poor lands existed in the south- no wealth might be gained nor glory. It was folly to attempt it, and as protector of Etal he wished only their well being. Yet, matters suddenly changed. Without apparent reason for it, Atûn sanctioned an expedition under the guidance of Vishtal Tekorik Atûsbal.   The expedition under Vishtal Nesekaur marched south for long weeks, well beyond the traditional boundaries of Etayen civilization, into regions where only sparse villages stood. These simple Etayen peoples never witnessed such force brought to bear and followed the host with great interest as it wandered its path.   What did the warriors of Nesekaur discover beyond Sussikentar?   The Etayen warriors returned to Amikiras victorious but bearing nothing in the manner of loot nor slaves.     Second Invasion of Karossusdal (-2341)   Warriors of Amikiras approached the southern hill-lands which populate the extreme reaches. In a matter of days their crests were surmounts and the Etayen returned to that land which their ancestors invaded two generations ago.   The Etayen discovered that this strange, southernmost region was not the stable habitation of an Eshanic race vulnerable to conquest. It was the haven of strange new beings which were utterly alien to northern eyes. Unlike the first invasion, the proverbial nest was abuzz with activity and prepared for military actions of the exact kind mustered.   The warriors of Vishtal Mitirvikis Atûsbal returned bloodied but triumphant. As the veterans marched through the Etayen heartland, the people came forth and celebrated with beautiful songs and food prepared alongside the road in honor. Onward they travelled, passing through the eastern moors, through the jungles, and over the immaculate bridge which was constructed according to the exact specifications of their Eshanic master. The gates of mighty Amikiras rose before them, laden with the gold and silver treasures which were stolen and thus displayed from the conquest four centuries ago. The emboldened Atûsbal prepared schemes for another invasion of the southern land, the only other realm known to them in all the world, but Atûn halted them. There were other preparations and constructions with which the Etayen would concern themselves. Unbenownst to those olûndi, the Youngest of the Alor’eshan was preparing for his great master-stroke in Qadal. Karossusdal could wait. Indeed, wait it did, and for over 13 centuries thereafter no Atûsbal returned in force save contingents to man Sussikentar.   Atûn creates Vojûn (-1500)   The chosen of Atûn flourished throughout the Awakening with the guidance of their deity and the protection of the land that he had created for them. Cities had grown from the rocks and trees, beautiful art was created, and poems were written of the land's bounties, and the Etayen themselves matured into a proud and talented race. In those regards they had exceeded the works of other races which warred among themselves in the lands across the Semyr. Atûn oversaw this growth and prosperity and was pleased, but he had a greater plan than to simply pamper his chosen people. When he first created the Etayen from his own energy, he only created a small number of them as to preServe his own energy. Aebaster had done the opposite and created many breeds on men all at once, and thus exhausted himself from olûndari life. The Etayen were few upon creation, but Atûn imbued them with his own energy. Over the years they multiplied, and so too did Atûn's power. By around the -1500s, the Etûletal population had grown to the point where Atûn was prepared to conduct his greatest experiment: creating a form of energy that could be harnessed and utilized by olûndi.   The process of creation was centered upon a great pillar of wood and stone called Visladur by the people of Etal. Atûn was worked on its creation for years but had never reveled its purpose. When the time came, however, Atûn called for all the peoples of his land to come forth and gather at this place.   It may be asked of why Atûn did not simply bestow Eshara upon the Etayen as the other Eshan did for their children, and the answer lies with the Divine Mandates. They forbid the direct tampering by the Eshan in the affairs of olûndi. Atûn had chosen to remain in the olûndari world while the other Eshan had departed to Vussalas, making him and active and direct actor in the affairs of olûndi. It would therefore violate the mandates for Atûn to use his own energy to assist the Etayen in conquering and colonizing the world, as they did during the Ascension era. The creation of Vojûn was a clever maneuver on the part of Atûn to bypass the mandates and facilitate the rise of his people, breaking the balance of power that had existed since the Awakening. The Etayen were the rise race to ‘ascend’ to greatness, the first to have knowledge of Vussalas and Eshan, and the rise to claim the laurels of empire.   Afranast the Wavebreaker colonizes Semyr Islands (-1488)   The effect in Etal was electric. Waves of intrepid travelers, settlers, warriors, would-be adventurers, and fellows of every other description poured forth across the waters. Long did most remain in the Semyr, building up a new community with the technocratic attention which was characteristic of them. Other, more ambitious sailors explored the vast oceans in search of other domains.   Amasghal founded (-1361)   The dazzling success of the Etayen race in Seymenasi inspired further waves of Etayen exploration throughout Qadal. Everos was known to the north, yet it was occupied by strange, warlike races who vigorously guarded their shorelines. In the west was another land. It was never desolate according to the reports of the first explorers thereabout, at least upon its many southern islands.   Etayen vessels arrived off the coast of southern Neyas in -1361, and indeed perceived no ready settlement to compete against them. Whole islands such as the scale of those found off Etal were found barren. It was on these outcroppings that the foundations of Amasghal were built.   While the colonization of Neyas was successful, it became certain that the continent was not nearly so barren as previously believed. Stirrings arose in the east, from which islands Aemardic tribes made themselves known. They came aboard simple, shallow draft boats with single sails, curious and speaking in a more curious tongue. No wars were waged against them, and small trading was done for diplomatic courtesy. In the north, however, a more miserable presence became known. It came in the form of terrible, winged beasts with blade-length talons, hollow eyes, leathered wings, and tongues which cruelly mimicked those of the olundi.   Etûletal settle Everos (-1350 to -1300)   In witnessing the unexpected tribulations of Etayen settlers in Neyas, eyes in Etal turned toward Everos. No long-term Etayen presence have existed there in over 100 years. Now, it was known that the Aemar thereabouts were willing to fight for land, but they were a simple threat. Under command of the ambitious Vishtal dynasty, warriors and settlers were dispatched to the continent. Their vessels glittered with silver gildworks, the sails were interwoven with gold. Each warrior darkened their armor to night-shade, whereas the spears were Eshor-light. Their intention was intimidation.   Once the initial shock of the newcomers subsided, the Aemar turned themselves against these enemies. A series of tangled wars, the likes of which cannot be easily recorded, erupted over the next 50 years. For the long-lived Etayen, success meant patience in conquest. Slaughtering entire Aemar villages might pacify a region, but also depopulate it and make greater enemies still.   Nathrovas and Jequa founded (-1300)   After five decades of fighting, the Etayen clove a vast swathe of territory from Aemarda. Everything south of the Aeduccar mountains were under some manner of influence, barring some lingering resistance. In the east, the region of Alorend was consumed. Its tribes were subjugated. All further resistance was met with uncharacteristic brutality of a victorious people. Yet, all this territory needed to be administered. The Vishtal Atûsbalas broke the conquests into two regions, Nathrovas in the east, known as the Black Hills, and Jequa in the south, known as the Garden. New settlers flocked to that place with vigor unseen elsewhere in Etayen history, so that Everos swiftly overtook every other colony of Etal.   Sussikentar Restored (-1289)   For innumerable centuries, the wall of Sussikentar and its garrisons protected Etal from the unspeakable and strange beings which surged forth from incomprehensible southern reaches.   Vishtal Atûsbal, heir of Vishtal Taeyoril, was weary of expansion across the Semyr. Etal itself was left vulnerable while attention was turned elsewhere, and this could bring invasion from unexpected foes.   Étunas reigns Supreme in Everos (-1050)   Come the middle of the -1000s, the Atûsbal and Ghalûn of Etunas reigned over the entire continent of Everos south of the Aeducarr Mountains. This was the peak of their power there and remained unchanged for centuries thereafter.   Etayen conquer southern Loseya (-900)   The Etayen had settled themselves in Neyas since -1361, but long maintained mere trade posts and minor fortifications thereabout. Their presence gradually increased over the centuries, but little in comparison to their domination over the Semyr or Everos. An unspoken, simple accord was maintained with the Qazunari who reigned over Loseya. Neither side wished to attack the other, more in fear of the Eshanic ramifications than the possible olundi death.   Under Vishtal Rinitakis Atûsbal, the Etayen reevaluated their position in Nevan.   The Dire Revelation (-844)   Othos was always a mysterious contient, greater parts dangerous than profitable, but alluring in its unattainable nature. The Etayen long ignored it in favor of more suitable domains such as Everos or Neyas to conquer. Yet, the shadow of Othos ever loomed in the east, beaconing those with a curiosity more vigorous than the depths of wisdom. It is in this context that a company under an Etayen named Rhamukar departed Etal to explore Othos. They encountered there many strange races and desolate terrain, but most importantly encountered a Nith’eshan named Omondus, who was deeply enamored with the Etayen race and Atun. This Nith’eshan demanded that Atun speak with him, and that these Etayen live as collateral to that conversation. Rhamukar refused, and chose silence and potential death over endangering his Eshanic master with undesired Eshanic contact. In this way the expedition was lost, and thus rumors swirled throughout the Etayen world.   Before long, another voyage was sent under the command of an Etayen named Vurakis, intending to scout the ill-known Othos continent and discover the whereabouts of the lost Etayen. They arrived near the location of the previous voyage and discovered the marooned boat, crashed against the coast. The town a short distance into the country was desolate, dismantled down to the foundation stones. Strange, but an intrepid portion of this expedition went further into the country and encountered the people of Omondus, the Omondi, and their strange cities in the nearby foothills. Along that journey they encountered another Nith’eshan, named Hasphir, who was the sole survivor of a miserable Eshanic war totally unknown to the Alor’eshan, but that resulted in this Omondus becoming sole master of this region of Othos. He used a terrible new power to achieve this victory, which much interested Atun. The Youngest Eshan bid his children investigate further.   In the depths of Omondos, Omondus showed the Etayen the source of his new-found power- the shattered skull of an Eshan come down as a projectile of fire from Vussalas. It was neither fully alive nor dead, but its head festered with strange crimson-pinkish stones. Voices and disembodied memories came from the stones, chapters from an Eshanic history long lost. Omondus explained that this was the final state of one afflicted with Ackeshir power. The Esseythu was shattered and all reason lost.   The surviving Etayen arrived under guard in Amikiras. Atun wished greatly to meet them, and thus commanded they come swiftly to his personal tower of dwelling. Understand, few among the Etayen and none among other olundi races spoke in person with Atun. His visage was a reality dedicated to stone rather than living memory. Yet, these treasured Etayen were treated as friends and beloved companions, spending many days lounging in the immortal Eshanic dwelling of their master. They spoke at length about the Ackeshir powers so witnessed and learned in Omondus’ home, and how those powers could be taught and used by the Etayen against their enemies.   Atun began to reveal the secrets of Ackeshir use, so taught to his by his children, to others of the race worthy of that energy. It became the most fearsome, purposefully understudied aspect of the Etayen war machine, pushing their domain of Etunas to newer, global heights.   Zorius the Newcomer reaches Othos (-522)   Etunas flourished from nearly a millenia between -1500 and -522. Its explorers charted the unknown inheritance promised to them by Atûn. Their exclusive wisdom was peddled onto an unprepared world. Warriors of Etal slaughtered the backwards tribals who resisted the march of civilization. One people then another fell the same way- Adashi, Neyasi, southern Evosmar. Atûn’s domain was unchallenged in the world, but not everywhere was yet conquered. Last among the great continents was Othos. It was known to them, but long ignored as a particularly vicious, barren wasteland inhospitable for the mechanisms of civilization to thrive. Now, however, the Etayen were prepared to embrace the challenge.   Zorius was dispatched by the Vishtal dynasty to establish the foremost foundations on that continent. He departed in the spring of -522, and reached Othos in the middle summer, after first stopping in Sedar to resupply and gather greater forces.   For those in Etal, the successful voyage of Zorius to Othos initiated a massive flood of settlement, as those seeking opportunities beyond the ancient colonies and mainland flocked to new shores. It must be understood that hierarchy establishes itself swiftly in such colonies, so that the prospects of those who come later are worse than those who come first. As such, the number of newcomers dwindles over the years. The first vessels laden with colonists reach Zorius’ small, unnamed settlements on the western Othosar coastlines in the winter of -522, wherein some died from exposure of malnutrition.   Collapse of Étunas (-7 to 0)   The war that Corgastor initiated against the empire of Étunas was a disaster for all civilization. The claim was that it was a war for the liberation of Aemarda against Etayen tyrants, but to say that would be a mischaracterization. The realms of Aemarda were in chaos and a backwater compared to the vale within which Atûn placed Etal. Over the course of the 1,500-year occupation of the Etayen in Everos, conventions of writing, astrology, mathematics, and theology were all brought to modern standards. The cities where Aemarda dwelled were raised from hovels of straw and sod to settlements crafted of stone and timber. The Etayen as well broke forth the way for Aemarda to settle Everos beyond the isolated pockets in which their villages lay. Forests were tamed, rivers were bridged, and roads were built to connect all peoples across the whole land. Aemarda, however, forgot these gifts and instead repaid the chosen of Atûn with war and destruction.   Heart Blight (0 to 948)   The death of Atûn was a cataclysmic blow to the Etayen who lived and thrived beneath his guidance since the beginning epochs of time. How could they survive without his power? Upon what foundation could the Etayen world be rested? These questions crushed upon the devastated minds of those people. A great despair profiligated among the Voletal and Etûletal alike. It was of such potency that the physical disposition of their race deteriorated from strength to palid weakness and dreary despondency.   This veritable epidemic among the Etayen decimated what capabilities were left to them for self-defense and renewal. As it stood, Étunas remained the strongest realm in the known world. The difficult was that its people no longer possessed the spirit to defend it. In contest to the poetic maxims of elder times- the body was willing, but the spirit was weak.   The worst of the Heart Blight concluded in 948, with the return of Vishtal Anitiva Atûsbal from the third campaign into Karossusdal. A daring endeavor of such magnitude by an Atûsbal restored some confidence in the power of the Etayen race.   Zorisghal falls (223)   While the Etayen world collapsed, hungry eyes in Othos watched the frontiers of Zorisghal. The ghalûn of that domain were hard fighting in survival, even with the burden of heart blight. Yet, it was not enough. The Vestanir, Eurobians, Demhezzar, Volad, and others pressed against the borders, slaughtering the noble defenders of home and hearth.   For those in Etal, the destruction of Zorisghal was a terrible boding, but not the sign of absolute annihilation. Othos was already known as the miserable backwater of the Etayen world. It was such that Zorisghal marks the historical downfall of Etunas, but in the meantime was characterized by relative stability, despite the refugees pouring back onto the Etayen continent. Their Aemardic servants and allies were forbidden from following, of course.   Amasghal driven from Loseya (432)   The Etayen struggled to maintain their foothold on the future Neyasi mainland, but the constant assaults of the Qazunari were irresistible. Terrible warriors of unimaginable corruption slaughtered all those who emerged from the battened gates of Amasghal. None were able to depart to scout or farm the land. Starvation was endemic.   Collapse of Sussikentar (501)   In the dark centuries which followed the death of Atûn and the Heart Blight, the distant frontier of Karossusdal was ignored and left to ruins. The fortifications which were constructed along the ragged hills beyond the dreary plains crumbled by the stone. A mere shadow of the proud host which marched southward with Vishtal Mitirvikis Atûsbal remained after innumerable generations of their spawn lived and died beneath its shadow.     Third Invasion of Karossusdal (946 to 948)   Centuries had passed since the Etayen considered the existence of Karossusdal. It was a shadow beneath the foundations, irrelevant and forgotten. For many, its existence was forgotten. However, political matters in Amikiras brought Karossusdal back into the public conscious. The year was 945, and Vishtal Anitiva Atûsbal arose to power after the predicted death of her Vishtal predecessor. These were dark years for the Etayen race. Never was their power weaker, for the hideous despondency of Atûn’s death remained in their blood. All the continent was subdued by shade, such that roads crumbled, cities were mired in decay, fortifications were barren, and the people burrowed in filth for food.   The host which Vishtal Anitiva mustered together was waste compared to the glittering breastplates and towering spears which were once carried against the ignorant hordes of Qadal. Her communicated objectives? Destroy whatever remnants of hideous outsiders which exist in Karossusdal, win glory, and drag her subjects out from the depression that emburdened them. With these to mind, they departed the peace of northern Etal for the rugged south.   Anitiva lead her warhost over the ruins of Sussikentar in the summer of 946, after spending the whole spring marching southward. It was a demoralizing sight. Those ancient walls, the center-piece of Etayen control in the south, had been ruined for over 400 years. It was crumbled to its foundations, with not a single watchtower standing half height. Miserable hovels were scattered around the foundations where Etayen renegades or unknown strangers built shelters for themselves. None were populated, yet debris remained of habitation not too long past. Warriors were dispatched across the immediate area in search of a means through the wall. A day or two was passed in delay, for the undisciplined warriors wasted time looting the ruins for relics. Yet a crumbled passageway was eventually discovered, half collapsed, but sufficient for two warriors at a time to march. Another day was spent marching the warhost through and onto the wretch country beyond.   Long weeks were spent wandering south, for none in living memory knew the terrain or disposition of Karosussdal. Those maps which the Atûsbal carried with her were outdated after 400 years, with new patches of scraggled trees where none existed before, ruins where primitive settlements had been, dry flats where narrow streams winnowed, and further obstacles.   These odd signs of life were certainly recent, and before long the Etayen warhost was beset by the shadows of foreigners never before witnessed. From what Anitiva later wrote, their faces were broad, with pebble eyes and gaping maws for mouths. Their bodies were coated in the low black grasses which grew across this country. Each carried terrible rods covered in stones as weapons. Like the common olundi, they were bipedal, but with legs bending at many places so that they appeared to shimmer in the wind like grain. Their arms were longer than expected, much alike the Daorhu, which a dozen fingers which all bend in many places. The Etayen immediately hated them. In turn, these beasts appeared to hate the Etayen, for they drew closer and began to harass the irregular ranks with stones and heavy rods.   For luck, in their march Anitiva’s harried force stumbled upon the ruins of a place known as Karokiras, being the southernmost Etayen bastion in the world. It was settled upon a low hillock, so that one might see it from miles around in the grey wasteland. They approached, and found the place abandoned besides some strange Voryndayan wanderers who were swiftly destroyed.   The years was now 948, though all measurement and meaning of time was lost to Anitiva and her warriors. Snows of the winter were beginning to dissipate, offering the season alone.   Consumed with a desire for vengeance, Anitiva dispatched her now hardened warriors against any sign of settlement found in Karossusdal.   Anitiva’s ruined host approached the reverse face of Sussikentar in the autumn of 948. It was a triumphal moment, for their return was much doubted by common Etayen. Anitiva’s procession through the gates of Amikiras marks the traditional end of the Heart Blight which long plagued the race.   Amasghal Annexed (1532)   The year was 1532, the power of the Etayen had resurged somewhat since the bleak days of the Heart Blight. Yet, their influence was ever undermined by their neighbors. This was most evident in the western regions of Qadal, wherein the Axodraharik grew to immense power.   Peace long reigned in the sleepy domains of the Etayen in southern Neyas. None of the Etayen elites, who had been settled there for over 2000 years, expected anything different that year. Come the light of another unsuspecting day, they watched from their white palaces to see monstrous Axokari escorting a grand fleet of 100 vessels. Upon each were Axodraharik warriors resplendent in their bronze armor.   When news of the sudden annexation arrived, fury gripped the spirit of the Etayen race. By what right did this new-born race steal lands from those who brought Qadal civilization? This was among their final colonies no less, so the pain was even worse. Yet, the powers of the Etayen were still diminished. Nothing could be done to regain those lost lands. What changed is a heightened sense of militarism in Etal. The long-memoried Etayen perceived this particular offense as one too humiliating to bear and prepared themselves over the coming years to respond to further aggression.   War of a Thousand Islands (1779 to 1786)   During the Twilight era, the struggling Etayen of Atûsbalas sought the means to project their power over the southern reaches of Qadal. For centuries, these same places were uncontested. The Aemar of Everos cared little for what existed beyond their shores. The Aemar of Nevan were entrapped by the monstrosities of the Qazunari on Loseya. Plundering the wealth of the many unnamed islands within the Semyr was simple. However, the introduction of the Axodraharik into Qadal and ejection of the Qazunari opened the Semyr to hordes of eager fishers and traders. Gradually, the influence of Etal in the Semyr was undermined, whereas the Axodraharik grew stronger. The two sides postured with their navies, and occupied scores of the Islands scattered about, but neither was willing to back down. Indeed, the Axodraharik were possessed by a deep zeal as the newest race into a new world, eager to make their mark upon it. The Etayen were motivated by their centuries as the foremost race in Qadal and shuttered to image their legacy undermined by newcomers. War appeared the sole means of settlement.   Little Nathrovayen War (1798 to 1801)   The whole nation of Atûsbalas was elated to receive news that their warriors were successful in defeating weak Aemar competitors in Nathovas. Vishtal Vitikit returned to Etal a warrior-hero, just as those ancient leaders who fought against the strange creatures of Karossusdal. However, a certain apprehension grasped Vishtal Set’kir Atûsbal and the Council of Amikiras in the wake of their victory. What next? How should the proud Etayen nation proceed?   Vishtal Set’kir’s weak willed decision dashed the swelling hopes of his people.   Karundar (2294 to 2299)   The Etûletal perceived the Great Conflict in Everos as a potential means of national revival. Should Nathrovas or Jequa rise victorious, Etal could utilize one or the other as a bridgehead onto the continent. With secure Etayen allies in Everos, the Etûletal would be compelled to contend with Corgastodmar Everos alone, which would falter without Etayen allies as ancient Corgastor had once received. What dictated the choice were rumors of some strange Eshanic entity known as Shrik. It was contained within two separate fragments of Esheryne, each encased in thick layers of iron. Bal’gorod was said to possess one and sought to execute this war for the other. If successful, the Etayen could bring forth an Eshanic being to assist them in reclaiming Étunas, or, if fortune favored them, facilitate the return of Atûn from cruel death.   Etayen warriors arrived in Everos around 2294, bolstering the faltering assaults of Bal’gorod upon Jequa.   Etal’s alliance with their estranged Voletal kin was strained by Bal’gorod’s refusal to share knowledge or possession of the Esheryne fragments. Mistrust lingered between them. Bal’gorod feared how the Etûletal might assert themselves and claim some ancient overlordship of Nathrovas in exchange for assistance. The peoples of Etal feared how such a reckless and wild ruler as Bal’gorod might ruin the chances of reviving Atûn or some Eshanic master.   In the aftermath of Karundar, a single survivor of the Atysvala, Milenis, arrived in Etal. She communicated the demise of Nathrovas in great sorrow to Vishtal Nil’phir Atûsbal.     Jequasghal falls (2306)   In the summer of 2304, the Etayen of Etal awoke to a new day in peace. Their warriors were returned from the battlefields of Everos and the skirmishes between Nathrovas and the Corgastodmar were matters of the not-so-distant past. Yet as the dawn hours lulled forth, a great tremor rumbled through the ground, bringing terror and confusion with it.   Tarkiyet Ascension (2307)   Karundar shattered the once rising spirits of the Etayen people. Their racial cousins in Nathrovas were destroyed, hundreds of thousands of them, causing both a massive Vojûnic surge and depopulation. Before all others, the blame was lain upon the reigning Vishtal dynasty. Atûsbal Nil’phir was cast into a terrible despondency and depression, divorcing himself from all attendants. He spoke with nobody close nor distant.   Rise of the Lessers (2311)   With the Tarkiyet dynasty reigning over Amikiras and greater Etal, traditions and stability gave way to a change of order.   Trial of Bal’gorod Nathrobal (2314)   Once the Tarkiyet Dynasty took control on Amikiras, their supporters were swift to define themselves as different from the ancient orders.   “We have become too much like the Eshan- creators and chaos and makers of death, rather than how Atûn wanted us to be, as a stable bastion of enlightenment.”   This oration was the inauguration of a period of geopolitical isolation which dominated Etayen politics for centuries, much like the ancient years prior to the Ascension.   Unain Ascenion (2979)   Tarkiyet Nivetarket showered his allies with gifts and titles. Wealth, lovers, prize animals, and every other manner of bauble became theirs to enjoy. Among the favored was the Unain dynasty, an up-and-coming dynasty who long pursued power through connections and allies. For loyal service, Unain Riterisaur, grandfather of Unain Thin’tak Sekoras, was granted custionship over Vesiriket, being the foremost timber felling settlement in Etal proper.   Vishtal Restoration (3257)   The prolonged domination of the Tarkiyet dynasty was an impressive epoch of political shrouding. Yet, there were developing cracks in their nigh impregnable armor. Those lesser dynasties which were upraised to dilute the Vishtal hegemony were now generations matured and flush with ambitious scheming.     Rise of Unain Dynasty (3403 to 3411)   The survival of Etal had been safeguarded by the expansive Vishtal dynasty since the earliest days of the realm's existence, back when Atûn walked amongst olûndi and ruled over them. The dynasty thrived under his benevolent gaze and continued his legacy after his death. The Etayen had been on a steady decline ever since Atûn's death, despite the best efforts of the Vishtal dynasty. The splintering Étunas left behind a weakened Etal and a Series of successor kingdoms across Qadal. The homeland remained safe with the sea as its shield, but the global empire the Etayen had forged crumbled as local power chipped away the strength of the successor kingdoms. The realm of Zorísghal, named after the famed Etayen explorer Zorius, only survived until 223 before being shattered by internal and external pressures. Small Etayen holds remained, but nothing of the same significance. In Everos, the dual kingdoms of Jequa and Sutan, along with the Principality of Essenad and other smaller powers remained strong until the calamity of the Great Conflict in 2289 - 2304. The entire region of Nathrovas was destroyed and Jequasghal fell not long after at the hands of Grathem. By then, all that remained of the once great empire was Etal itself.   Malign stirrings against the ancient dynasty seethered since the Great Conflict. The foremost and best-known agents of this vile speech were the chosen heirs of Milenis.   The ideal justification for action against the Vishtal came in 3403. Word spread among certain clandestine circles that fragments of Bal’gorod’s prize were discovered in distant Nathrovas. Whether these remnants were preserved or broken was uncertain. How these objects were discovered and who guided this knowledge to Etal is uncertain, save either necessary Etayen or Eshanic identity. One might even suspect Ácolitus of preparing these events himself, just as he sowed the original pieces among the Etayen ghalûn of Jequa and Nathrovas. Whatever the details, this significant development was communicated to the surviving heirs of Milenis in Etal. An Etayen named Fornastus reigned chief among a small community which maintained loyalty to the memory of Bal’gorod’s cause.     Domination of Semyr (3443)   The island domains north of Etal’s shores long endured suffering under the shadow of their Etayen neighbors.   Drakayen War (3451)   For centuries, the realm of Corgastor has expanded and thrived, and with that rise in fortune came arrogance and aggression. First fell the successors of Étunas, Jequa, Sutan, and Essand, destroyed by war and annexed by Aemarda. After them fell Grathem, who had themselves taken Drakar from Jequa before being mauled by Corgastodmar forces. In the same breath Lodon was attacked and its lands were taken up to the shores of the Zomore. Beyond that, both Othos and Nevan have been the subject of military incursions from Everos. Such blatant violence and war cannot be tolerated, especially by the nation that once held the continents as colonies. The recently ascended Unain dynasty has made a mission of subduing Corgastodmar power in Qadal. The Drakayen War is part of that campaign, and as well part of a much more secretive and important mission of divine vengeance.   The inaugural strike against the Corgastodmar realm was granted upon an Etayen named Fornastus, whose legacy and training prepared them well for the position. He descended from a long-line of trainees and masters who lineage began with Milenis, who ranked among the Atysvala of Bal’gorod’s mustering.   Whilst Fornastus wrought terror in the western territories of the Corgastodmar Ghetunbalastod, the fighting host of some 60,000 Etayen warriors arrived east of Sedar. They were commanded by Unain Ulkad Atûsghal, heir and favored child of Thin’tak Sekoras.   With the Jequayen portion of the nest captured, the Etayen commanders perceived no benefit in continuing their occupation of Drakar. Ulkad ordered the immediate evacuation of the settlement, leaving behind corpses and devastation with callous disregard. Those who survived inside were astounded to witness such providence grace them, whether the work of the Eshan or otherwise.   Now the Etayen host marched eastward, devastating the lands through which they crossed. No witnesses were suffered to live save for those communities too well defended to take with ease or too numerous be slaughter wholesale in sufficient time. Regardless of their attempts toward stealth, the movements of the Etayen warriors were completely unknown to the Corgastodmar host which mustered in Valgorod. Indeed, any news which was received thereabouts, including word of the initial Etayen invasion, was quite out-dated upon arrival. The farther the warhost lumbered southward, the trend became more obvious. The Etayen were many days ahead and their speed unrelenting.   The death of Unain Thin’tak Sekoras Atûsbal in Nathrovas and the release of Zarthum into Esha concluded the short Drakayen war with considerable terror and confusion. In Etal, power was passed to Unain Ulkad, being the chosen heir.   Restoration of Sussikentar (3473 to 3475)   The coming of the Wandering era illustrated from an unsuspecting world the terrors which might be wrought from unseen Eshanic machinations. Death did come, and with it the collapse of empires and termination of religions considered inseparable with Qadayen existence. Ulkad witnessed these things from Etal and pondered the security of his own realm against the tumult.   Ulkad funded this project with loot pillaged from the Drakayen war and domination of Seymenasi, being immnumerable mounds of precious metals, crafted supplies, raw materials, and slaves. These components were funneled forth upon narrow-decked vessels and great carted caravans.     Amikiras Restored (3508 to 3510)   The Atûsbal strode the streets of the proud town, each of its alleys and halls dripping with age, and determined that the heart of his reborn realm required thorough reconstruction.   Politically, Ulkad Atûsbal initiated a process of dynastic centralization.   These reforms included an organizational and bureaucratic aspect as well.   Ulkad’s craftworks were more than aesthetic upgrades. They represented a reinvigoration of the Etayen imperial spirit which was long dormant under the Vishtal rulers.   Nathrovyan Incursion (3513)   The first agents arrived among the Nathrodar in the summer of 3513. Commerce and business ventures were conducted foremost during this time and the wealth of these independent cities was obvious for any observer to discern. Ulkad desired them for the growing Etûletal realm.   Foundation of Sekorasghal (3526)   Following years of careful preparation, being the mustering of warriors, training of officers, and organization of supplies, Ulkad Atûsbal believed himself prepared to strike into motion.   The Nathrodar of Tetrivekris was chosen as the capital of this new vassal domain. Kepitiv Sik’tevid was chosen from among those loyal to the Unain dynasty to assume the title of Sekorasghal.     Voice of Jequa (3529)   Unfortunately for Ulkad, the memory of Vulred was yet keen. He remembered the pretensions and dire assertions of Bal’gorod which plunged Qadal into world. He as well remembered the demeanor of Thin’tak Sekoras who desired the same fragments of Ácolitus’ gift for himself. With these dire experiences in mind, Vulred too perceived the ambitious Ulkad as another generation of dangerous sovereigns.     Southern Daorhu Align (3532)   The ambitious Ulkad was disappointed to receive a lukewarm Jequayen response to his entreaties, but not deterred. If he had not acquired an ally, at least Vulred offered no clear intentions of aggression.   Ulkad dispatched his niece, Ikivisa, to the realms of the southern Daorhu to ascertain their disposition. She departed from Amikiras in the summer of that year and arrived in Everos two weeks later. Sedar was her destination, with Drakar being a secondary site to visit before plunging into the vales and towering mounts of the Gol Sadun range.   Triumph of Atûsbalas (3534)   Come the spring of 3534, the Unain dynasty was well positioned to enact their machinations of conquest upon the Evosmar continent. The opposing Etayen warriors of Jequa were neutral, at least until war descended onto them or Vulred shifted his whims. Neighboring them were the Daorusyalar, who were interested in Etûletal activity in Everos for the sake of stability and prosperity. Last came the remnants of Corgastoria, who were weak beyond concern nor consent regarding matters in Nathrovas. Ulkad considered these factors together and believed that the time was ideal for a decisive campaign.   In the late summer, with mere weeks before autumn, Ulkad Atûsbal dispatched a flurry of letters, each one destined for his subordinates scattered throughout the Nathrodar. The missive was simple- secure your city, silence the masters, subdue the populace if necessary, await further orders. No additional reinforcement could be spared for the purpose, as the resources of the growing Etayen state were stretched to their furthest limits. Failure, then, meant the inevitable destruction of whatever detachment was unable to complete the task. The greatest responsibility for success was thrust upon Unain Ikivisa Sekorasghal, being the foremost commander in the region and superior in competence to all others. Ulkad ordered her to advance northward with the greater portion of Sekorasghal’s warhost.   A harrowing two weeks were passed in feverish silence as the strategy was implemented throughout the eastern region. Etayen warrior and their commanders positioned themselves near the masters of the Nathrodar, keeping close contact with them despite the malicious intent.   No realm yet stood against Sekorasghal when the first frosts of winter glazed Everos white. The whole of southern Nathrovas was conquered without significant battle nor bloodshed. Whatever resistance might be mustered in the northern Nathrodar was inconsequential, for there were no foreign supporters to empower them. Those few who resisted the Etayen incursion were swiftly slaughtered and hurled into the black briny waters.   Great Expedition (3546 to 3550)   The year 3546 arrived, and Unain Ulkad looked forth from his bastion of Amikiras. Before him spread an Etayen world empowered through his wise reign. Amikiras was restored to glory, the Semyr was dominated by Etayen vessels, and the realm of Nathrovas was steadily constricted in his grasp. The war was over, nothing more to gain. He now lounged in glory and luxury. Yet, this was insufficient purpose in life. A certain restlessness was born from this success, as comfort embattles an ambitious mind. For Ulkad, the great half lost its glimmer, and he developed a keen interest in distant Voryndal.   Ulkad’s fleet departed Amikiras in the spring of 3546, bows turned toward the east and uncertainty. His retinue consisted of 25 vessels of the strongest construction and 3,000 sailors to crew them. An additional 2,000 warriors were dispersed among the ships for protection and landing. This modest flotilla drifted east through open ocean for many days, then turned north to maximize supplies upon the Illustran islands. Ulkad Atûsbal there dined with the master of that place, Tressar Mentageyas, who was a largely independent subject of the restored Pyrgosar dynasty reigning in Pyrgoros. They spoke at length of the coming journey into unknown Voryndal, speculating as children might of the terrible and vicious monsters which might dwell therearound. A friendship was struck between them, and an agreement was decided. Mentageyas would acquire and amass rations in his palace while Ulkad’s fleet was at sea. When the Etayen returned, these rations would be gathered for the presumably famished sailors and the rations repaid their weight in precious wealth. The fleet remained in port for another two days, with a Eurobasar vessel dispatched to Seymenasi with the final correspondence of the Etayen sailors aboard. When everything was prepared, Ulkad ordered the anchors raised and the sails unfurled. The wind billowed them strong and the ships disappeared over the eastern horizon, leaving Qadal behind as a warm memory.   Mesayari and Acoyeri (3600)   The ascension of Etal back into a position of power in Qadal shifted the old balance of power. Down fell the Corgastodmar and their global dominion years ago. The domains of the Neyasi were divided into their states and therefore unable to project hard power far beyond their shores. Othos was divided among Vestanir, Demhezzar, and Eurobasar entities, with the latter once owning the continent but under their returned Tressonar Syrgus and his resumed dynasty of Pyrgos unwilling to claim global dominion. Nowhere in Qadal then was well positioned to endure and push against the Voryndayen threat than ancient Etal and its Etayen masters. Mesian perceived this obvious fact and determined upon a new course to maintain the separation between Qadal and Voryndal, and prevent chaos.   Now, Mesian herself was among the Alor’eshan who chose to remain in Vussalas rather than dwell in the world itself, like Atun had done, and she therefore did not move into Etal bodily. She turned her power and attention toward it. This manifested in spoken words through Esseythu to the Etayen masters in Amikiras and its sister cities, wherein Mesian of many things. Chiefest was her special relationship she’d shared with Atun centuries ago- indeed, she had been the sympathetic ear between Atun and Aebaster in their feuding, being a loving sister between them. It was Atun who uplifted the Elivas to sentience to redeem Mesian of her punishment leveled against her by Acolitus. Mesian took no sides in the conflict between Atun and Aebaster as waged by Corgastor, but allowed refuge Etayen to dwell in Lodon, etc. For all she could say about it, the Etayen and Elivas were natural allies. Would it not be fitting in this moment of mutual assault by outside invaders for the Elivas and Etayen to convenant together and protect themselves? She carried these appeals to every Etayen dynasty with a great sense of immediacy.   The reception of the Etayen dynasties was agreeable. The deaths of Aebaster and Corgastor meant that the Etayen had little to fear in Qadal, save the invasion of Voryndal, thus any ancient animosities between Etayen and Mesian were mostly forgotten. Moreover, the investment of Mesian into Etal would provide additional Eshanic defense to the continent during a tumultuous period of Voryndayen invasion. Remember, only a few decades ago (short time for Etayen) Unain Ulkad had brought a fleet of Etayen vessels over to Voryndal as a voyage of prestige and exploration- Voryndal certainly knew about Etal.   Yet, there was a singular dilemma in combining the Elivas and Etayen- ancient and unmoveable: the Vikutal. Among the Etayen they were simply known as the Barriers. They were olundi of great power created by Nironus (much like the Axokari of Neyas), who herself offered allegiance to Atun. After the First Feud, their purpose was destroying non-Etayen invaders to Etal. This is also to say nothing of the Eshanic creatues that Atun himself created for that purpose, though were guardians are fewer in number and scattered. Yet they are murderous when found. The command of these such creatures was beyond the abilities of any Etayen master yet living. They were a government unto themselves and executed their sole purpose without negotiation. Indeed, the sole law maintained among the Vikutal is the agreement decided between Atun and Nironus some 10,000 years ago. Other Eshan have attempted to negotiate with the Vikutal, but have either been known enemies of Atun (Aebaster) or too junior in authority to warrant notice.   Mesian reasoned that any alliance between her followers (mostly Elivas) and the Etayen would have to follow a negotiation with Vikutal, lest thousands of her race perish on the crossing.   Mesian had done what only she in her power could have done- negotiating with the barrier of Etal. The cost was steep, but such were the times then.   Not ALL of the Elivas came across, nor was it Elivas alone. Throughout the Second Feud era Mesian exercised her influence across Qadal among all the Alor’eshanic races, taking from them those who would listen. They were Aemar, Daorhu, certain legitimized races that’d come across, and even Etayen from outside Etal. As part of the negotiation between Mesian and the Vikutal, who was able to bring across those for whom she vouched as good. Only a relatively small number therefore benefitted from this new arrangement- perhaps only a few hundred. Yet, these few hundred were the most important instruments of Mesian and she desired to keep them safely at hand.   The Etayen, for their part, allowed this assorted collection of Mesian’s followers to establish a settlement for themselves, though segregated from neighboring Etayen cities. This place was called Mesekris in the Etayen language. The reigning Unain dynasty in Etal were generous in providing for their new Eshanic ally- provisions and basic necessities, but also more precious materials such as Esheryne and Viiryne when it could be spared.   Now the story takes a complicated turn. Here we must speak of an Eshanic entity named Qalesham. Greater tracts are written about Qalesham elsewhere in this document but suffice here that Qalesham was the foundational Eshor around which Acolitus built Esha. Indeed, such a mundane concept as solid ground is quite remarkable- it cannot be created in open space. Qalesham provided a foundation of energy and essence around which the hard surface of Esha could be formed. Acolitus, ignorant as any in creation, was unaware of the complete properties of Qalesham- indeed, whether it truly lived in the same manner as himself and gathered power alike the Eshan. In the excited swirl to create a new domain of the Eshan, then battling amongst one another, such questions were left unanswered. What of the earlier times, you ask? None knew of Qalesham in the earlier times of existence? Perhaps- but Qalesham was not vocal and emotional like the other Eshan, but one among the hundreds of “unhatched” Eshan whom olundi name as “stars” or Eshor. It is possible, now that I consider it for this record, that Acolitus was unaware Qalesham was “alive” at all. To be entombed within Esha’s core was the nothing remarkable.   Yet, Qalesham was hatched- either at the time of her entombment or afterward. This allowed her to gather power like other Eshan and communicate through Esseythu, therefore mostly dwelling in the realm of Kasteries and the dark corners of dreams.   Now we return to the activities and business of Mesian and her people in Mesekris. In being allowed a safe haven, this gave their faction a moment to organize and enact more significant schemes. Most important to Mesian was this: as a means of stemming the tide of Eshanic chaos between Qadal and Voryndal, she desired for Eshanic power to be diverted to Qalesham. This would effectively neutralize that power into a passive vessel.   Mesian’s scheme to stem the overflow of Eshanic power was targeted toward the Ebal’eshan. It was a necessary step to protect Qadal for further damage, lest it become a burded wasteland like Voryndal. Yet, the desire to leverage Qalesham in this mode of Eshanic warfare caught the ire of Acolitus, who was inconstant in his allegiances during the Second Feud.   Acolitus commanded three particular divisions to assail the Barriers and Mesian’s followers: Judges of Acolitus, being the olundi martials of his power and his most famous enforcers. With them were Qel’eshan, being Eshan who had hitherto been outside the Eshanic Mandate but have surrendered themselves to Acolitus and such mandates in exchange for their lives. They serve Acolitus in a capacity similar to their more famous Nith’eshanic siblings yet legitimized in their actions. Last were the newest of the races- the Acoyari, whom are written about elsewhere but are the Eshanic race of Acolitus. Their particular strength is in their Eshanic connection to Kasteries, and therefore a natural skill with Ackesh and the manipulation of dreams.

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