The Dynasty King Rank/Title in The Auric City | World Anvil
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The Dynasty King

" reign as the chosen of destiny, whose lineage is eternal in fate..."
— Mantra of the Dynasty Kings
  For centuries, since the first days of Thripia, the city has been ruled by the powerful monarchs known as the Dynasty Kings of the Thraeo lineage, protected by the Orcarous Guard. Supposedly the embodiment of the sun god Sargos, they are a male hereditary line, married to a High Consort, spanning generations who endured for much of the city's history. Many among them were Fire Warriors. Although the lineage has been deposed and reinstated many times, most if not all can trace their ancestry back to the founder of Thripia, Halemica the Great. However, after many years of decadence and exploitation, the line of the Dynasty Kings was removed from power for good. In what is now known as the People's Uprising, the Cabal of the Black, alongside the united guilds and the Wise Council, overthrew the monarchy and installed a new government.  

Family Tree

The Thraeo Dynasty
Nobility, Hereditary
Source of Authority
Sargos, the people of Thripia
Length of Term
For life
Past Holders
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Golden Age

10 BL 233 AL

The earliest period in Thripia's history, the Golden Age marks its most prosperous era when trade, wealth and the power of the Dynasty King was at its highest. A time for philosophy, art and architecture, many great monuments were built during the Golden Age.

  • 10 BL

    12 AL

    The Early Reign of Halemica
    Life, Career

    Ascended at age 20 and was overthrown at age 42. Halemica lead the Thalassian people from their lost homeland to Arad, conquering the land in the First Aradin War and founding the city of Thripia. She was usurped by her then husband, Oraeteo.

  • 12 AL

    14 AL

    The Reign of Oraeteo
    Life, Career

    Ascended at age 33 and was died at age 35. Overthrew his then wife, Halemica, under the pretense that she was an irresponsible war monger. Oraeteo took credit for the influx of trade in Thripia. He was defeated in a civil war and killed by Halemica in single combat.

  • 14 AL

    34 AL

    The Late Reign of Halemica
    Life, Career

    Reascended age 44 and died at age 64. Halemica seized power back from her traitorous husband, Oraeteo, and slew him in single combat. She helped to design Thripia's early laws. She died of old age.

  • 34 AL

    41 AL

    The Reign of Diodys
    Life, Career

    Ascended at the age of 58 and died at age 65. Rule of Thripia passed to Diodys, Halemica's second husband, after her death. Diodys died suddenly during a meal and may have been poisoned by Halemica's son with Oraeteo, Atrucius.

  • 41 AL

    52 AL

    The Reign of Atrucius
    Life, Career

    Ascended at age 34 and died at age 45. Atrucius was the first to declare himself the Dynasty King and did everything in his power to erase the legacy of his mother, Halemica. He began early the ichor trade which made the city rich. He died of poor health and a heart attack.

  • 52 AL

    105 AL

    The Reign of Caralcis
    Life, Career

    Ascended at age 24 and died at age 87. Caralcis was a genius architect who designed and oversaw the construction of the Gate of Halemica in honor of his grandmother and for the defense of the city. He designed also the Old Palace which was constructed during the reign of his second son, Apheron. He died of old age.

  • 105 AL

    108 AL

    The Reign of Iades
    Life, Career

    Ascended at the age of 41 and died at the age of 44. Iades failed to produce a male heir with his High Consort Ryana and fell to his death when a section of the Fortress of Halemica crumbled beneath him, though many suspected his sister Haladia, in league with his brother Apheron, of being responsible.

  • 108 AL

    135 AL

    The Reign of Apheron
    Life, Career

    Ascended at age 40 and died at age 67. Apheron married his brother's widow, Ryana, and built the Old Palace based on the designs of his father, Caralcis. He died of a heart attack caused by old age.

  • 135 AL

    136 AL

    The Reign of Pheron
    Life, Career

    Ascended at age 27 and abdicated at age 28. Never desiring the crown, Pheron abdicated and joined the Cult of Auromon and became a magi.

  • 136 AL

    152 AL

    The Reign of Pyocla
    Life, Career

    Ascended at age 26 and was removed from power at age 42. Pyocla spent his reign accumulating wealth for the monarchy and constructed the Necropolis to house his father. He attempted to dismantle one of the powerful Guilds of Coin at the time and was removed from power when a coalition of guilds rose against him.

  • 152 AL

    193 AL

    The Reign of Ophiliad
    Life, Career

    Ascended age 20 and died age 61. Ophiliad's rule was characterized by his High Consort, Lemia, who dictated a majority of his decisions and effectively ruled the city. He established the Wise Council in order to give more power to the Guilds of Coin. He divorced Lemia when he found she was barren but failed to produce a male heir by the time of his death from old age.

  • 193 AL

    201 AL

    The Reign of Diodion
    Life, Career

    Ascended at age 57 and died at age 65. Diodion was unprepared for rule and he largely adhered to the whims of his adviser, the legendary Tibacenos, as well as the Wise Council. In so doing, he made the guilds very powerful. He died of old age.

  • 201 AL

    211 AL

    The Reign of Heprates
    Life, Career

    Ascended aged 23 and died at age 33. He oversaw a particularly prosperous period in Thripia's history and quelled the Deathguard's uprising and then oversaw the reformation of the organisation. He was assassinated by an agent of Zubia the Heretical; the Deathguard's former captain.

  • 211 AL

    233 AL

    The Reign of Argemon
    Life, Career

    Ascended at the age of 13 and died at the age of 35. Argemon's rule was known as the reign of the three kings for his cooperation with his brothers, Opheron and Halemeron, who had much influence over his policy. He had many children and was ultimately killed in battle against the Warguide Kadir during the Second Aradin War.

  • 233 AL

    233 AL

    The Reign of Opheron
    Life, Career

    Ascended at age 34 and died at age 34. Opheron attempted to defend the city against Kadir during the Second Aradin War but failed and was killed during the siege.

  • 233 AL

    233 AL

    The Reign of Halemeron
    Life, Career

    Ascended at age 32 and died at age 32. Halemeron had his brothers' children flee the city, most of which were caught, and was executed by Kadir.

Dark Age

234 AL 444 AL

After the conquest of Kadir, Thripia entered its Dark Age. The significant collapse of trade, infrastructure and stability, as well as the creation of a vast power vacuum, resulted in widespread chaos and more than two centuries of repeated conflicts. The Dynasty Kings of this period were often tyrannical as a way to maintain their order over the city. The Dark Age was also marked by a number of natural disasters.

  • 234 AL

    248 AL

    The Reign of Kadir
    Life, Career

    Ascended at age 37 and died at age 52. Kadir was the first Aradin Dynasty King and ended the slavery of his people in Thripia. He married Argemon's four daughters and had his sons executed. He founded the Orcarous Guard to protect him but was betrayed and assassinated by their captain, Monduran.

  • 249 AL

    258 AL

    The Reign of Narceres
    Life, Career

    Ascended at age 23 and was deposed at age 32. The youngest of the four daughters of Argemon, Narceres became the first and only ever Dynasty Queen after she succeeded in having her husband assassinated. Most of her reign was spent attempting to stabilize the city, though ultimately she would be deposed by the fractured Wise Council.

  • 258 AL

    259 AL

    The Reign of Trucius
    Life, Career

    Ascended at age 15 and abdicates at age 16. Formerly known as Mardon, his name became Trucius upon his coronation. He ruled with wisdom and maturity but ultimately elected to abdicate to avoid conflict, despite the wishes of his mother, upon the return of Opheron's son Caralcion, thought dead, from the sea.

  • 259 AL

    278 AL

    The Reign of Caralcion
    Life, Career

    Ascended at age 32 and died at age 51. Having lived most of his life on the ocean with little in the way of possessions, Caralcion spent much of his reign indulging in various pleasures. There were many clashes between his supporters and those of Narceres who still held great power in the city. He often assumed direct control of the military and used it to enforce order in Thripia. He died of unexpected illness.

  • 278 AL

    301 AL

    The Reign of Kalaepo
    Life, Career

    Ascended at age 12 and died at age 35. Kalaepo attempted to restore the power and authority of the Dynasty Kings, but his reign was challenged early by two of the surviving sons of Kadir, Eron and later Norel. He defeated the former but was ultimately killed by the latter in battle.

  • 301 AL

    313 AL

    The Reign of Manosthenes
    Life, Career

    Ascended at age 19 and was deposed at age 35. Manosthenes ended the Second Aradin War when he defeated Norel's army. An eleven year drought decimated Thripia, however, and would lead to a terrible locust plague in which many of Manosthenes' children were killed and for which he was blamed. He was deposed and replaced by his cousin Parolacus.

  • 313 AL

    321 AL

    The Reign of Parolacus
    Life, Career

    Ascended at the age of 31 and died at age 39. Parolacus began the reconstruction of Thripia and would renovate the Temple of Auromon at the request of the Cult of Auromon who at the time was in conflict with the rising Cult of Sargos. Civil strife would permeate Parolacus' rule with the result being his death at the hands of a Sargite assassin.

  • 321 AL

    339 AL

    The Reign of Castor
    Life, Career

    Ascended at age 33 and died at age 51. A magi of the Cult of Sargos prior to his ascension, Castor gave the Temple of Auromon to the cult and made Sargos the patron deity of Thripia, ending the religious civil strife in the city. He was a zealous and strict individual who was popular among the people of the city but who had many enemies. He died after refusing medical treatment.

  • 339 AL

    382 AL

    The Reign of Darion
    Life, Career

    Ascended at age 22 and died at age 61. Darion, like his father, was a zealous cultist of Sargos. He believed war was the best testament of strength and divine providence. His reign was characterized by repeated conflicts between Thripia and Aradin tribes as well as civil conflict between his children. He died of old age.

  • 382 AL

    399 AL

    The Reign of Malciodis
    Life, Career

    Ascended at age 27 and died at age 44. Known as the Snake King, Malciodis acquired power by exploiting the conflict between his brother and sister and killing them both. He helmed a secret clade of assassins known as the Serpentine which he used to kill his political opponents, his preferred method being poison. He divorced his first wife and did not take another, siring his children by consorts. He was murdered by one of them, Aradocia, after decades of his abuse.

  • 399 AL

    444 AL

    The Reign of Xartses
    Life, Career

    Ascended at age 14 and died at age 59. Malciodis left no legitimate heirs and thus his Wise Council chose the next Dynasty King from among his bastards. Xartses, the third eldest, was chosen. His early reign was spent dealing with the opposition of his half-brothers. He would later repel a locust plague, restructure power in Thripia, return trade to the city and establish the Cabal of the Black to ensure its future prosperity. He died of old age.

New Age

444 AL 757 AL

Xartses restored long-term stability to Thripia and the city moved away from its most violent period and entered a New Age. Despite many difficulties, including the Invasion of the Shadow Men, the Dynasty Kings maintained order and Thripia expanded into many bold horizons and saw a never-before-seen influx of wealth and power.

  • 445 AL

    490 AL

    The Reign of Enaceros
    Life, Career

    Ascended at the age of 21 and died at the age of 67. Enaceros oversaw the return of trade to Thripia, a process that had begun under his father. His High Consort Tristere, known as the Jeweled Queen, was famous for repairing and renovating much of the city. Towards the end of his reign, he was a puppet kind under the conquering Shadow Empire but had his sovereignty restored by his son Tytos.

  • 490 AL

    513 AL

    The Reign of Tytos
    Life, Career

    Ascended at the age of 35 and died at the age of 58. Tytos, alongside his twin sister Mylodia and his younger brother Dionomon, continued the war against the Shadow Men which began during the reign of his father. A stalemate was reached in the middle years of his rule but conflict would resurface. He vanished at sea.

  • 513 AL

    518 AL

    The Reign of Enacion
    Life, Career

    Ascended at the age of 35 and abdicated at the age of 40. Enacion, rather than continue the war against the Shadow Empire, fashioned a peace treaty and trade agreement with them which brought great prosperity to Thripia. After overseeing this success, he willingly abdicated and joined the School of Philosophy,

  • 518 AL

    562 AL

    The Reign of Oberion
    Life, Career

    Ascended at the age of 36 and died at the age of 70. Oberion, despite opposing his elder brother's treaty with the Shadow Empire, maintained it at his request and avoided conflict in the early years of the trade relationship between them and Thripia. His reign would see the rise of the infamous pirate Ouros against whom Oberion protected the treaty. He died of old age.

  • 562 AL

    575 AL

    The Reign of Hectys
    Life, Career

    Ascended at the age of 42 and died at age 55. Hectys was born in an era of peace and prosperity for Thripia and was accustomed to a wealthy lifestyle. He was overweight, gluttonous and lusty, largely leaving the ruling of the city to his sisters and his High Consort, Philion. However, after the death of preferred concubine, Borania, he went insane and attempted to impose a tyrannical martial law on the city which lead to his assassination at the hands of the Cabal of the Black.

  • 575 AL

    637 AL

    The Reign of Typhorion
    Life, Career

    Ascended at the age of 21 and died at the age of 83. Typhorion was determined to correct the weakness of his father's rule and is believed to have murdered his elder brother Tytoros in order to claim power. He spent his early reign in political conflict with the members of his family, particularly his aunts. Later, he would cement his authority absolutely, greatly strengthen the Guilds and significantly increase Thripia's influence in the Western Sea. He died of disease as the longest reigning Dynasty King.

  • 637 AL

    640 AL

    The Reign of Orocles
    Life, Career

    Ascended at the age of 49 and died at the age of 52. Orocles had been groomed intently by his father for rule but struggled under the pressure of his authoritarianism. Unable to resolve conflicts and appease those who asked for leadership from him, he committed suicide.

  • 640 AL

    645 AL

    The Reign of Parius
    Life, Career

    Ascended at the age of 28 and died at the age of 33. Parius 'the Beggar King' began life homeless but was made Honor Guardian of Orocles' High Consort Pyrocia and later Captain of the Orcarous. He married her after Orocles' death an, in the absence of an heir, became Dynasty King. His rule was atypical as he rejected many of the customs of the Thraeo line. He attempted to redistribute wealth to the poor in the city but was assassinated by the Serpentine.

  • 645 AL

    671 AL

    The Reign of Astorius
    Life, Career

    Ascended at the age of 48 and died at the age of 64. Astorius machinated the assassination of his predecessor Parius after unexpectedly losing the succession to him. His reign was spent reversing Parius' policies and attempting to disperse the growing unrest in Thripia, but would largely only worsen it. He died of old age.

  • 671 AL

    691 AL

    The Reign of Atroniad
    Life, Career

    Ascended at the age of 29 and died at the age of 49. Atroniad was highly educated in preparation for his ascension. At the beginning of his reign, he made a number of small concessions to the unruly people of the city as a form of appeasement. He spent his rule concentrating on the economy, working closely with the Guilds and conceding to most of their demands which ultimately worsened poverty in the city. He died in an unexpected accident.

  • 691 AL

    713 AL

    The Reign of Ladonis
    Life, Career

    Ascended at the age of 15 and died at the age of 37. The last Dynasty King to rule, Ladonis's early reign was largely determined by his mother Styrana; he developed gold hunger as be hoarded large amounts of ichor. In his later reign, without the guidance of his mother, he grew more arrogant and unstable, leading to the People's Uprising in which he was executed and the monarchy overthrown.


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